Positive deviants are people who diverge from the norm in constructive ways. They make the world a better place. If you’re a positive deviant, this blog is for you.

Six ways to win an argument

Can you win an argument without raising your voice? According to the article in the …

How to stop your ideas being stolen at work

Eeek. I was recently asked how long I’ve been teaching professionals how to deal with …

Send a message your boss won’t ignore

Have you ever had an idea for progress but feel like it’s not being heard …

You CAN be resilient and emotionally fragile at the same time

Too many leaders believe they should never experience doubt, uncertainty,  or low spirits. There’s  a …

No motivation? Here’s why

Most people occasionally experience a lack of motivation. It’s natural to lose interest in a …

Low status words derail your career: stop using them now

Hey there, frustrated professional!  Are you sick of being passed over for promotion? Despite all …

Raising tough issues with your boss without creating a political mess

How can speaking truth to power help your career? That is the question that this …

3 signs your ‘burnout’ is really leader loneliness

Leaders are often forced to face tough situations alone, maintaining confidentiality and showing a brave …

Power up your assertiveness today

Do you know what it takes to be a successful leader? According to this recent …

The dangers of being too humble: a warning for female leaders

The importance of humility in leadership is often touted by leadership experts. For example, it …

Leaders with mental stamina aren’t tough. They are wise.

What does it take to lead in tough times? Most people assume the answer is …

How does hypnosis work?

Can hypnosis help you to achieve your goals? According to the article on Scienceholic.org, the …