Speak up! Public speaking tips for women

Leave that fear of public speaking behind. YOU can step into the spotlight and speak up with confidence

The glass ceiling has cracked. Women’s success in business is recognised more than ever before. We have more and more female leaders to use as role models. Yet many women still struggle with self-doubt, especially when speaking at meetings or events. Here are some tips to help you build your credibility when you’re putting yourself in the limelight.

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How to speak to a large group for the first time

Abby’s nervous. She’s been asked to speak at her industry conference. She’s never spoken to a large group before.

Although her presentation is well prepared, Abby is feeling unsure about how well received it will be. She is suffering from pre-speech nerves. Here’s how we’d help Abby deal with this problem. You can use the same strategies to prepare for your presentations.

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