Positive deviants are people who diverge from the norm in constructive ways. They make the world a better place. If you’re a positive deviant, this blog is for you.

Online courses

Did you know you can do online courses with Eleanor? Available 24/7 so you can …

Say “hello” to confident networking

Does the thought of attending a networking event fill you with dread? If so, you’re …

What crime novels have taught me about building confidence

Okay. This is where I confess to some dubious reading habits. When I’m tired, or …

Dull topic? Do this!

Think of a training session or presentation that you deliver regularly. Are there any parts …

What are team dynamics? by Eleanor Shakiba

This video is part of a positive psychology series. Find out more about positive psychology …

Stage skills I’ve learned from positive psychology stars

It’s no secret I’m a lifelong learner. When I’m not upfront in the training room, …

When NOT to do team building

Two years into my facilitation career, I was invited to run a teambuilding session for …

The science of aha moments by Eleanor Shakiba

If you want to solve problems more confidently and creatively, this video is a great …

12 tools for smart trainers: teaching metaphors

If you want your message to have more of an impact, tell a story. Storytelling …

What are team dynamics and how do you ‘build’ them?

You can bring together the brightest, smartest individuals to work on your team. However, without …


Did you know Eleanor Shakiba runs retreats for trainers and course creators? We’ve moved them …

7 signs you’re too self-conscious

If you think self-consciousness is a problem, think again. It is a unique human ability! …