Positive deviants are people who diverge from the norm in constructive ways. They make the world a better place. If you’re a positive deviant, this blog is for you.

Positive Leadership. Kim Cameron

Want evidence that positive psychology can benefit your business? Then you need to read Positive Leadership. It’s …

Show appreciation for the gift giver, rather than the gift. Here’s why.

What’s your first instinct when you receive a gift? To say “Thank you”, of course! …

Want to boost motivation in your team? This study suggests you need to increase meaning and purpose in their work.

Higher motivation in employees leads to better work performance. This is no secret. However, there …

How to measure the ‘health’ of a team by coding what people say.

When it comes to positivity in the workplace, leaders play the biggest role. Helping to …

When is consensus not really consensus?

The terms ‘consensus’ and ‘consensus-building’ are buzzwords. Like all buzzwords, they are thrown around confidently by people who don‘t fully understand their meanings …

Fun fact 8: Positive leadership improves employee creativity

It’s hard to be creative when you’re stressed. In fact, a study on the cognitive …

Positive leadership means more than being nice

A happy boss is not always a good one. Being a positive leader is about …

Positive moments can help you handle stress

Positive emotions can build your resilience and prepare you to handle tough times. This is …

Making Hope Happen. Shane Lopez.

What makes humans different from other species? Shane Lopez argues it is our capacity for hope. In Making …

Why learning to ‘down regulate’ negative emotions might save your marriage.

Any married person can tell you the importance of controlling your emotions and research backs …

What impact is ‘emotional labour’ having on your wellbeing as an HR professional?

As an HR leader, you might find that you are putting a lot of emotional …

Fun fact 7: Leaders who ‘up regulate’ positive emotions are seen as more effective.

Consciously or not, leaders influence the emotions of their direct reports. And exceptional leaders, it …