Positive deviants are people who diverge from the norm in constructive ways. They make the world a better place. If you’re a positive deviant, this blog is for you.

Emotion regulation: a critical skill in the age of disruption

When you cannot control your emotions, you are likely to say or do things that …

5 emotion regulation hacks for busy people

Emotion regulation involves noticing and shifting your emotional state. It’s a skill which involves noticing …

Beat stress with this simple tool

Mindfulness is the process of paying attention to the here and now. Doing this can …

Can meditation change your brain?

Meditation involves focusing inward and honing your concentration skills. Practitioners have been touting the benefits …

The Science of Meditation: How to Change Your Brain, Mind and Body. Goleman and Davidson

What happens when you put a Buddhist monk into an MRI machine and study the …

What does acting as if you’re decades younger do for your health? Lots of good stuff, it seems!

The mind can physically turn back time, according to a mindfulness study completed by Dr …

Should you be adding mindfulness to your leadership program? This case study suggests it’s worth considering.

The most effective kind of leadership is authentic leadership. This means that leading with your …

Fun fact 6: Mindfulness and meditation are not the same thing

Many people think mindfulness is the same as meditation. However, this isn’t altogether accurate. Positive …

Over-sharing: the downside of experiential learning in groups

Anyone who has been in the training room with a participant who ‘over shares’ knows that self-disclosure …

Mindfulness versus meditation: what’s the difference?

Many people think mindfulness and meditation are the same thing. However, this isn’t really the case. Positive psychology trainers …

Optimism can be learned. Here’s how.

Positive psychologists define optimism as a feeling of hopefulness and confidence about the future. It’s …

Learned Optimism. Martin Seligman

When people ask me how to overcome anxious or negative thoughts, I suggest they read Learned …