Positive deviants are people who diverge from the norm in constructive ways. They make the world a better place. If you’re a positive deviant, this blog is for you.

Happiness: Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth. Ed Diener and Robert Biswas- Diener.

“Happiness is more than simply an emotion…There is also a cognitive or thinking component to …

Is it better to give attention often or dramatically?

Everyone wants to have constructive relationships. But what helps us do this? Well, it seems …

Can your writing style predict how long you’ll live? Read the ‘Nun study’ and find out.

The Nun study is a well-known case study in positive psychology circles. It’s a great …

Do positive emotions improve your thinking skills? This study suggests the answer is ‘yes’.

Research suggests that positivity influences cognitive function. When you’re happy, you perform better. Based on …

Fun fact 2: Want more trust in your team? It might be a laughing matter.

Sharing a laugh improves team dynamics more than any other behaviour. Studies show that sharing …

Trust building: a key skill for leaders

Trust is a hot topic at the moment. Over the last six months, I’ve been …

If a team’s morale is low, check the leader’s positivity ratio

Low morale is a plague that can quickly spread through an organisation, significantly decreasing productivity …

The Power of Positive Deviance

Positive deviance is constructive aberration from the norm. People who deviate in this way solve …

Positive deviance prevents malaria in Thailand

I’m fascinated by the idea of modelling excellence. This is a concept I first came …

Positive deviance is alive and well in Armidale

Are you interested in boosting positive deviance in your team or organisation? Here’s a great positive psychology case …

You can be a positive deviant

Every team or community has outliers – people who think and behave in exceptional ways …

Deviant behaviour helped reduce malnourishment. Find out how!

A group of researchers tested the concept of positive deviance to help Vietnamese communities tackle childhood malnourishment in …