Case study: Developing political skills

A team of scientists wants to motivate and inspire staff who are embarking on careers in health research. Challenges include developing political awareness and promoting a reflective approach to career development. Eleanor Shakiba presents modules on Conflict Resolution and Personality Types Working Together.

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Case study: Assessing team dynamics

 If you want better results with people, spending time building rapport can reap great results. Take Craig, for example. He was a freelance IT consultant who wanted help in getting on with his clients. Craig had difficulty managing his clients’ expectations. For example, he was frequently irritated by clients who ‘couldn’t’ describe what they wanted. What he wasn’t acknowledging was that people who could outline their needs accurately probably wouldn’t need his services in the first place!

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Case study: Making positive change

Sean was preparing to announce the relocation of the company’s head office. Some staff might react badly to this change. How could he get everyone onside? Sean needed to prepare his presentation very carefully. I helped him use NLP framing techniques to build a positive message. You can use the same techniques whenever you need to announce a change or introduce challenging news.

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Case study: Dealing with difficult people

Kiera and Jason didn’t get on. Annette, their supervisor, tried to sort things out. But Kiera insisted it was all Jason’s fault. Kiera refused to acknowledge her own part in the conflict. In desperation, Annette enrolled in my course on Dealing with Difficult People. During a break, I talked to Annette about how to set boundaries and limits on poor behaviour in the team. You might find these tips useful, too.

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