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Hi. My name is Eleanor Shakiba. I am looking forward to working with you in Hardwired for Confidence. During this interactive, live event, you'll discover a revolutionary for getting the exactly the results you want.

​Check your inbox now. Your login details will be there. Make sure you save them, because Zoom does not record your individual password.  Remember to add me to your safe list, too. There are free videos and training materials coming soon. So, watch out for them.

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The details have been sent, so check your inbox. Add me to your safelist, because support materials for the session will be sent soon.


Keep an eye on your inbox

You’ll be receiving your bonus videos about building mental stamina soon. So don’t miss out.

Let me know what you think

I’m constantly developing more resources for boosting your success. Let me know what else you’d find useful. Send your feedback to