What leaders need to know about narcissistic rage

Are Narcissists capable of understanding the consequences of their own behaviour? This is a key question when it comes to understanding the topic of narcissism and narcissistic rage. According to a recent article on Psychology Today, this is an important concept for managers, business owners and supervisors to understand.

The article provides insight into what drives narcissistic rage – it occurs when someone with a narcissistic personality feels they have been wronged or humiliated. A narcissist may be overly sensitive to criticism or failure and take out their frustration on those around them. They may also become vengeful if they believe that someone has wronged them in some way – whether deliberately or unintentionally – and will stop at nothing to get revenge.

The article outlines how managers need to be aware of these tendencies in order to protect against toxic workplace environments. She discusses how empathy, emotional intelligence and clear communication are essential for managing relationships with employees, customers or colleagues who display narcissistic traits. One key point she makes is the need for managers to provide honest feedback without being too critical; this encourages self-reflection which can help prevent someone from reacting with extreme anger or aggression due to feelings of humiliation or shame.

Managers should also be aware of potential triggers that could cause individuals with narcissistic characteristics to react inappropriately. These triggers could include anything from criticism, seemingly small slights (real or perceived), public humiliation, feeling undermined or disrespected and so on. It’s important that managers remain mindful of these potential scenarios and strive to create a positive work environment where everyone feels respected and valued as an individual.


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Above all else, the article emphasises the importance of self-awareness when dealing with narcissism – both in oneself and others. To develop healthy relationships within the workplace it’s necessary for everyone involved (managers included) to recognise their own vulnerabilities and respond accordingly should any issues arise during interactions with others. By having greater awareness one can better manage conflictual situations before they escalate into something more serious such as revenge-seeking behaviour from a narcissist.

Ultimately, understanding of the behaviour and patterns of narcissism is key to creating a successful work environment for everyone. By learning about and recognising the signs of narcissistic rage, managers can more effectively manage individuals who display these behaviours. With appropriate measures in place, it’s possible to create an atmosphere where everyone feels respected and valued – even those  with narcissistic tendencies.

Find out more in the original article here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/think-well/201910/understanding-narcissism-and-narcissistic-rage

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference.