6 Habits of Savvy Female Negotiators

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6 Habits of Savvy
Female Negotiators


THIS is how to take control and drive every negotiation as confidently as you drive your car. Without sounding aggressive or getting caught up in power struggles

Welcome to 6 Habits of Savvy Female Negotiators.

This is where ad hoc hagglers become high impact negotiators. If you want better deals, less stress and more respect as a female negotiator, then this course is for you.

Yikes! The research shows that professional women still struggle to be taken seriously at the negotiating table. But YOU don’t need to be one of those women. In 6 Habits of Savvy Female Negotiators you’ll learn to confidently steer any negotiation and get a fair, successful and and satisfying outcome.

Find out what confident female negotiators do differently to the rest of us. Stop feeling nervous or unsure. Open, lead and close negotiations with impact. Stand up for yourself without offending anyone. Build your negotiations know-how so you can avoid falling into the traps that hold so many women back.


Would you rather have root canal therapy than negotiate?

Does the thought of haggling make you break out in a cold sweat…or bring on a hot flush, depending on your age?

Are you sick of either being ripped off or accused of being a pushy cow?

You’re not alone.

That feeling has a name, because it is so common. 

It’s called Negotiation Anxiety and it’s not your fault. It’s caused by social conditioning, lack of role models and a total failure of the education system.

Luckily, there is a fast way to beat it.



You have stopped being an Ad Hoc Haggler become a Savvy Negotiator.

When your brain is set to Ad Hoc Haggler mode:

When your brain is in Savvy Negotiator mode:

SIGN UP FOR THE EMPOWERING MASTERCLASS, 6 Habits of Savvy Female Negotiators.

Confidently keep every negotiation on track, using a simple formula for success.
Keep negotiations fair, by mastering the art of conceding without compromising.
Plan your walk-away strategy, so you can stand firm and stay in control.
Challenge objections and resistance. Without being pushy or getting others offside.
Get back as much as you give during negotiations by creating a Credible Negotiator persona.
Use influential language to steer every negotiation towards a positive outcome. being sarcastic.

Meet your powerful negotiation coach.

Hi! My name is Eleanor Shakiba. I’ll be your personal guide as you focus on becoming a Savvy Negotiator. I’m a leadership trainer, success coach and positive psychology consultant. I work with professionals who want to make a difference, teaching them to speak out and stand out in ways that change the world. I’ve been helping talented female professionals beat Negotiation Anxiety for over 30 years. I’d love to help YOU next.

I love helping people learn

I started my career as the playwright and founding director of a children’s educational theatre company. Eventually, I wanted a more stable life. So I got at job at the University of Sydney. There I discovered my passion for training and ‘one to one teaching’ (the term coaching didn’t exist yet). I spend 20 years mastering those skills. But I’m a maverick. So I decided to do my own thing. In 2006 I set up a business called Metamorphosis Consulting. Three years later I changed the name (oh the irony!) to Think Learn Succeed. Since then  I have:

  • Trained over 60,000 people across Australia
  • Coached hundreds of professionals and leaders
  • Designed more than 90 positive psychology courses
  • Written a book
  • Created  over 100 youtube videos

I’m a lifelong learner, too

I’m always studying something. My qualifications include:

  • Bachelor of Arts, specialising in Social Anthropology
  • Graduate certificate in Adult Education
  • Master Practitioner credentials in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
  • Graduate Diploma of Applied Psychology (Counselling)
  • Diploma of Positive Psychology
  • A wicked sense of humour and the ability to turn misfortune into wisdom

I’ve trained positive deviants in many iconic Australian businesses, including:

  • Essential Energy
  • NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Arts)
  • Sydney Opera House
  • Thales Australia
  • Telstra
  • The Iconic
  • Qantas
  • University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
  • Waverley Council
  • Weight Watchers Australia
  • Westpac
  • Wollongong University

6 Habits of Savvy Female Negotiators is the fastest way to become a powerful negotiator.

Inside, you’ll cover ALL these essential topics.

Find out exactly what is holding you back in negotiations. Complete a habit assessment quiz. Discover the 6 habits of savvy negotiators and learn how to use them in your real-life situations.

Use a step-by step process to keep every negotiation on track. Step out of reactive mode and into proactive mode – so YOU are the one who is driving the conversation.

Savvy women plan their walk-away strategies before starting any negotiation. Learn how YOU can do the same, using a simple template that takes the stress out of planning your negotiation strategy.

Want to get back as much as you give during negotiations? Boost your credibility and master the art of building collaborative tactics into every conversation. Even before you realise you’re IN a negotiation!

Stop giving up too much too early. Learn why smart exchange concessions instead of compromising. Master a formula for prompting concession exchange, without sounding aggressive, needy or just plain pushy.

Hear why men react differently to ‘no’ than women – and learn how to use this to your advantage. Learn a range of verbal strategies for moving beyond ‘no’ so you can build fair and respectful agreements.

Want to speak up confidently and influentially in every negotiation? Persuasive language techniques will help you do it. Learn to use to use tools such as benefit frames, verbal tags and solution focused questions to drive a great deal.


So, if you are an anxious negotiator, it’s time to make a decision.

You can keep crossing your fingers and hoping to get a good deal. Or you can sign up for 6 Habits of Savvy Negotiators and learn to get the results you want. Without stress or conflict.

That decision is 100% risk free.

I personally guarantee it. If you do the work but are still not happy with 6 Habits of Savvy Negotiators, just email your completed activity sheets to me within 30 days of enrolment. You’ll get a full refund. No questions asked. So, stop putting your success on hold.

Say ‘yes’ to becoming a Powerful Responder today. 

Stop being an ad hoc haggler.
Learn to be a Savvy Negotiator today.