Make your message stick

Want people to listen to you? Then you need to present a compelling message. Here are three ways to make a message take hold.

Speak their language

picPeople listen to what makes sense to them. This means you need to frame your message from their perspective. For example, there’s a big difference between the following two statements. Which would you be most likely to listen to?

  • Today I’m going to describe how the new computer program will streamline customer service processes in the business
  • Do you want a better way to close sales? The new program will help you do it!


The first statement describes the speaker’s point of view – which isn’t very attractive to the listener. The second statement catches attention by describing how the listener will benefit from your words. It is a much better frame for the speaker’s message.

Include a call to action

Your call to action tells your listener what you want them to do in response to your message. It is clear and unambiguous. A great a call to action explicitly describes the benefits of responding. It’s presented in active, urgent language. And it highlights why the listener should pay attention to you. Here are some examples of good calls to action:

  • Start your healthy life today. Sign up for your free 30 day weight loss program now!
  • Win your luxury holiday of a lifetime. Pick up your phone now and text 1800holiday
  • Remember that smart people delegate. Hire your virtual assistant here

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Say it three times

People remember what you say more than once. In fact, it usually helps to repeat your key message or call to action at least three times. Repetition helps to improve attention as well as memory retention. Spell out an idea once to introduce it, twice to make sure people hear it and a third time to make it stick. Repetition also helps to prompt a response quickly. Back up your message with actions, anecdotes and feedback. If you repeat the same idea in different ways, it sticks.

Need advice on what to say? Ask Eleanor now. Send your question and we’ll answer it in a future blog post.