Positive deviants are people who diverge from the norm in constructive ways. They make the world a better place. If you’re a positive deviant, this blog is for you.

Why do smart people stick to bad decisions?

Did you know managers can make critical errors of judgement because of a well-known thinking …

Newsflash! I’ve created a free audio session Stop Procrastinating.

If your most important goal has been on the backburner for ages, download it now …

Why does stress make you eat too much?

Comfort eating. Stress snacking. Emotional overeating. No matter what you call it, chances are you …

Exciting news!

I’m offering an early bird deal on my new online coaching program, Momentum Lab. This …

Don’t let toxic relationships ruin your career momentum

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a relationship that does more harm than good? …

When you lose momentum, remember this

“Done is better than perfect.” It’s a simple phrase, but it packs a punch. This …

Have you hit a Success Crunch Point?

Do you have important goals but no time to work on them? Coaching can be …

A journey to self-actualisation: understanding carl rogers’ core theories

We’ve all heard terms like ‘self-esteem’ and ‘active listening’. Most of us don’t know where …

When your career stalls, it’s not your fault.

Has your career stalled? Have your most important goals that been on the backburner for …

Double your chances of hitting your goals

You already know the importance of setting goals – both in personal and professional life …

Too much focus really does tire your brain

Have you ever felt that your attention is completely drained after a long day at …

Leadership coaching: the support you need

As a manager, your days are filled with people problems, budget issues and all sorts …