Positive deviants are people who diverge from the norm in constructive ways. They make the world a better place. If you’re a positive deviant, this blog is for you.

What’s going on in a narcissist’s brain: a new study reveals intriguing patterns

Are you curious about what goes on inside the mind of a narcissist? A recent …

The Complete Confidence Lab is more than just a course.

It’s a catalyst for change, a tool to transform your life. Stop doubting yourself and …

Why did I create the Complete Confidence Lab?

Because I know how it feels to work hard, yet be held back by self-doubt …

Thinking habits that drive high confidence

Are you ready to take your professional success to the next level? Look no further!  …

How daydreaming recharges creativity

As a professional, you’re constantly juggling dozens of tasks and responsibilities. But it turns out …

Want a sneak peek into the Complete Confidence Lab?

Join my free masterclass, ‘Hardwired for Confidence,’ and discover how to beat self-doubt in just …

Harness the power of sleep mode to optimise your morning routine

Imagine waking up feeling energized and fully prepared to conquer your day. But then you …

What neuroscientists say about motivation

Do you ever wonder why some days you’re bursting with energy and ready to seize …

Exciting news!

I’m offering an early bird deal on this year’s Complete Confidence Lab. Enrol now and …

Leaders! It’s time to make a difference. Here’s how.

If you’re a leader who can relate to having a bit of imposter syndrome, here’s …

Personal coaching can be a real game-changer.

With three sessions for just $858, you’ll get tailored guidance to blast through self-doubt and …

Want people to listen to you? Do this

What do high-impact communicators do differently to the rest of us? They don’t necessarily speak …