Stressed out? Swap affirmations for THIS

Are affirmations failing to address your stress? Research shows that self-affirmation techniques can ease stress. The same studies also found that affirmations typically only work when contemplating the future. This may not offer much relief for the present time. Instead of affirmations, there is a technique you can use to fight stress.

A brain-imaging study published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience shows what happens when you practice self-affirmation. Self-affirmation is the recognition of your self-worth. There are three proposed benefits to affirmations. It’s enjoyable to think about positive things. Affirmations also help remind you what you value most. This can broaden your definition of self-worth. Using affirmations may also help you regulate your emotions.

So, do affirmations work? To find out, researchers interviewed 67 participants. The participants were asked to rate how much value they place on different areas of life. The areas include creativity, relations, humour, earning money, independence, politics, religion, and spontaneity. The participants were then placed in a brain scanner. As the researchers scanned the participant’s brains, they asked them to think about their top-rated values.

The brain scans provided neural evidence of the benefits of affirmations. The study confirmed that affirmations are rewarding and pleasurable. However, the study also found that these benefits only applied to certain scenarios. For example, the positive effects of affirmations were only found when subjects thought of the future. Contemplating the past or present didn’t produce the same effects.

Researchers also found that people can respond negatively to certain affirmations. If the affirmation makes them feel bad about their current situation, it may cause more harm than good. An alternative approach may involve changing your outlook on your current situation. Positively reframing things may increase the power of affirmations.

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Fear and anxiety can limit the effectiveness of affirmations and hurt your mental stamina. These emotions keep you from seeing a positive outcome in difficult situations. This is where NLP can help. Learning to control your fear and let go of your anxieties can ease your stress. NLP offers several powerful methods for altering your thought process. With practice and training, you can gain an optimistic mindset and boost your resiliency.

For example, cognitive reframing helps you see a situation in a different light. Reframing is a practice used in positive psychology to open your mind to other opportunities. It helps you change your focus from negative thoughts to positive ones. You can transform your perception of negative situations. Anchoring is another method that helps high achievers deal with stress. It’s a form of mental conditioning that helps you elicit positive responses in specific situations.

The bottom line is that affirmations don’t work for everyone. Your current mindset may even make self-affirmations damaging. Neuro-linguistic programming offers a way to change your perspective and boost your resilience. You’ll find stress less of a burden and be able to get more out of life. If you want to learn more, explore my one-to-one coaching services and online courses at

Manage stress to protect your brain

Stress management isn’t just about protecting your mental health. It’s important for protecting your brain. Research shows that stress can harm the brain. Along with decreasing your resilience, stress can increase your risk of cognitive problems. Luckily, you can learn to cope with stress with a few simple techniques.

Stress is a common problem for high achievers. You tend to push yourself without worrying about the health implications. This increases the risk of fatigue, exhaustion, and poor decision-making. Based on the latest research, you may also be creating long-term damage to your brain.

According to Dr. Kerry Ressler of Harvard Medical School, existing studies clearly show that stress negatively affects brain functions. Ressler explains that the brain is comprised of multiple parts that perform different tasks. When one area of the brain is engaged, other parts of the brain have less energy.

For example, when you experience fear or anxiety, the part of your brain responsible for survival instincts takes over. This leaves less energy for high-level cognitive thinking, such as problem-solving. When you’re stressed, you struggle to think clearly.

Continuously activating certain areas of the brain can have lasting effects. You strengthen the areas of the brain that experience fear and anxiety while suppressing other parts of the brain. Over time, you may experience reduced cognitive function.

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Ressler also points out that not all stress is created equal. Unpredictable stress has more of a severe impact on your brain. For example, scientists can create stress in animals using electric shocks. Random shocks cause more stress in animals compared to controlled, predictable shocks. Getting proper rest and staying organised are a couple of the suggestions Ressler provides. She also recommends establishing more control, which is an area where neuro-linguistic programming can help.

Avoiding long-term brain changes requires you to learn how to cope with stress. This is an area where positive psychology can help. For example, high-achieving professionals frequently use NLP techniques for stress management. Many people experience stress due to rumination. You ruminate on negative thoughts, giving them more weight. NLP techniques such as reframing, association, and discovering positive intent can combat negative thinking. Reframing forces you to reframe negative thoughts and behaviours in a positive light.

Meditation is also a useful tool for reducing stress and boosting your mental stamina. Mindfulness and NLP relaxation audiobooks can slow the mind to help you relax. Another helpful practice is the use of NLP anchors. Anchors help you recall positive thoughts or memories to replace negative ones. They make it easier to deal with stressful situations as they arise.

In the end, stress can have damaging effects on your brain. Taking the right steps now can protect your brain and make you more resilient. If you want to learn more about anchoring and other NLP techniques, I’d love to help. Browse my one-to-one coaching services and online courses at