4 mind hacks for mental stamina

Do you lack confidence? Philosophical ideas from over 2,000 years ago may offer a solution. Ancient philosophers believed that stoicism is the secret to boosting your resilience. Being stoic involves knowing what you can and can’t control. It allows you to keep an optimistic mindset in challenging times. Luckily, anyone can increase their mental stamina with the right techniques.

A lack of confidence and resilience can keep you from exploring new opportunities. Your negative feelings can hold you back. A recent article on Bakadesuyo.com offers up four tricks for increasing your mental stamina. First, the author suggests asking, “what’s the worst that could happen?” Asking this question helps you maintain a realistic perspective during difficult times. It keeps you from becoming unrealistically optimistic and unnecessarily pessimistic.

Accepting that you can’t control all outcomes is the second trick for boosting mental toughness. It’s also a key aspect of stoicism. The author of the article calls this a “reserve clause.” It’s about realising that you’re not 100% in control. This means that you can’t blame yourself 100% for failures. It also allows you to focus on what you can control. You can devote your mental energy to what matters instead of focusing on the past.

Looking at the bigger picture is the third mind hack for increased resiliency. When setbacks occur, you need to recognise that all events are temporary. Each mistake is just a minor blip in the grand scheme of things. This helps you gain a better perspective of the impact of your mistakes. It also makes it easier to move on instead of dwelling on your screw-ups.

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The fourth suggestion is to build a support network or seek a role model. When all else fails, having support from others can keep you moving forward. Successful leaders know when to ask for advice or assistance. All four of the techniques discussed are based on quotes and teachings from stoic philosophers.

Many of the same ideas explored in the article are used in positive psychology techniques and NLP methods. NLP teaches you that each experience is shaped by your reaction to an event instead of the event itself. Understanding that events are not good or bad can help you alter how you interpret them. NLP provides several solutions for boosting resilience. You can learn how to reframe negative thoughts to gain a more positive outlook.

For example, NLP reframing is a common method for replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. It requires you to see things from a different view. This helps you stop dwelling on negativity. You can open your eyes to opportunities, including the ones where you can’t control the outcomes.

As explained in the article, your judgments shape your experiences. If you want positive experiences, you need to maintain optimism and confidence, which is where NLP comes in. You need to know what you can and can’t control and NLP can help. Get started by viewing my one-to-one coaching services and online courses at https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/