Say ‘no’ to verbal attacks and ‘hello’ to speaking up with power and control.
Welcome to the Verbal Attack Response System.
This is a self-paced course for professionals who want to stop being the target of verbal aggression at work. Do you want to be treated reasonably and become the pace-setter in tough conversations?
I get it. There’s nothing worse than being the scapegoat of a verbally abusive person. Verbal attacks are unexpected, embarrassing and unfair. So it’s natural to want to defend yourself. Sadly, though, reacting defensively just doesn’t work. This is because it plays right into the hands of verbal aggressors. You need a smarter way to respond; one based on the psychology of influence. You need the Verbal Attack Response System.
Are you fed up with being on the receiving end of unfair criticism, shaming tactics or manipulative power games? Do you dread talking to That Person who blusters, gaslights or insists on having the last word? Are you OVER feeling powerless or frustrated in tough conversations?
You’re not alone.
Those anxious reactions have a name, because they’re so common. They are called Fight or Flight Stress Reactions. And you are NOT to blame for feeling them (even though the bullies and gas lighters in your life will say you are). Luckily, there is a fast way to take back control. It’s called Assertive Responding.
You have moved out of Cornered Scapegoat mode and become an Assertive Responder. means.

Are you living as a Corned Scapegoat? Here’s how to tell.
- You feel unfairly blamed, shamed or constrained by people who play power games.
- You fumble for words or get drawn into exhausting arguments. Time after time.
- You wish you could stand up for yourself, but you don't know how to.

Yes? Then it’s time to become an Assertive Responder and:
- Feel powerful, confident and fully in control (at last!).
- Know exactly what to do and say to shift the power balance in your favour.
- Get what you want without being aggressive, manipulative or defensive.
The Verbal Attack Response System will teach you how to:
Use 3 rules of verbal self-defence to handle ‘dirty tactics’ and protect yourself from ANY verbal attack.
Shut down guilt-mongering attacks and prevent manipulators roping you into their ‘poor me’ games.
Use ‘people smart’ language to manage unfair criticism and shaming tactics. So you can confidently stop the abuse and stop being shamed and blamed.
Respond confidently to unreasonable ultimatums or win-lose demands, so you can stand your ground without losing your cool.
Handle people who distort facts (a.k.a. lie!) so you can expose their distortions without being confrontational.
Resist the temptation to step into ‘rescuer’ mode, and become impervious to emotional blackmail. Without one ounce of guilt.

Meet your Assertive Responses Coach
Hi! My name is Eleanor Shakiba. I’ll be your personal guide as you focus on becoming an Assertive Responder with the Verbal Attack Response System. I’m a leadership trainer, success coach and positive psychology consultant. I work with professionals who want to make a difference, teaching them to speak out and stand out in ways that change the world. I’ve been helping talented professionals beat unfair treatment, bullying and verbal abuse for over 30 years. I’d love to help YOU next.
I love helping people learn
I started my career as the playwright and founding director of a children’s educational theatre company. Eventually, I wanted a more stable life. So I got at job at the University of Sydney. There I discovered my passion for training and ‘one to one teaching’ (the term coaching didn’t exist yet). I spend 20 years mastering those skills. But I’m a maverick. So I decided to do my own thing. In 2006 I set up a business called Metamorphosis Consulting. Three years later I changed the name (oh the irony!) to Think Learn Succeed. Since then I have:
- Trained over 60,000 people across Australia
- Coached hundreds of professionals and leaders
- Designed more than 90 positive psychology courses
- Written a book
- Created over 100 youtube videos
I’m a lifelong learner, too
I’m always studying something. My qualifications include:
- Bachelor of Arts, specialising in Social Anthropology
- Graduate certificate in Adult Education
- Master Practitioner credentials in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
- Graduate Diploma of Applied Psychology (Counselling)
- Diploma of Positive Psychology
- A wicked sense of humour and the ability to turn misfortune into wisdom
I’ve trained positive deviants in many iconic Australian businesses, including:
- Essential Energy
- NIDA (National Institute of Dramatic Arts)
- Sydney Opera House
- Thales Australia
- Telstra
- The Iconic
- Qantas
- University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
- Waverley Council
- Weight Watchers Australia
- Westpac
- Wollongong University
This Verbal Attack Response System is the fastest way stop being the target and start being the pace-setter in tough conversations.
Inside, you’ll cover ALL these essential topics.
Learn the critical skills you need when responding to verbal attacks. These three rules will transform you from scapegoat to Assertive Responder overnight. Plus, you’ll learn the 5 early-warning signs that tell you when to switch – fast – from Reacting mode into Assertive Responder mode. So YOU stay in charge of where the conversation goes next.
There’s a big difference between criticism and feedback. But some people try to claim they’re just ‘showing you how to change for the better’. Learn how to speak up about this – and how point out that someone’s criticism is unfair and undeserved. In this lesson, you’ll learn exactly what the difference between feedback and criticism is. Then you’ll get a simple process for handling the hostility and unfairness of unreasonable criticism without sounding defensive.
What should you do when someone lies or exaggerates to discredit you? That’s what you’ll learn in this essential module. Get verbal response patterns that will keep you calm and prevent further game-playing. Then learn how to tackle people who insist they’re right, even when they’re not. Spoiler alert: this doesn’t involve arguing, but it does involve keeping your cool!
We’ve all met them: people who use ‘if only…’ statements to imply you’re wrong. This is called Hypothesising and it is the favourite attack pattern of passive-aggressive people. Don’t let these annoying types push your buttons any longer. Learn to be a savvy communicator and use solution-focused language to derail their tactics instantly.
‘It’s my way or the highway’ is a classic ultimatum. So is ‘Do this, or else’. These tactics can make you feel powerless. But you don’t have to feel that way anymore! Learn how to break free of double-bind choices and unfair ultimatum games, so you can call the bluff of manipulative power-mongers.
Do you know someone who use the power of Poor Me to they get their way? They tell their tales of woe, expecting you to rescue them. Or they bait you with veiled statements like ‘If you really cared, you’d…’ Don’t fall for these dirty tactics anywmore. Instead, learn how to deal with crodcodile tears, emotional blackmail and guilt-trips without sounding heartless or insensitive.
Yes! I need the Verbal Attack Response System. Sign me up

- 6 video lessons to make learning easy.
- 30 page course manual – so you don’t need to take notes!
- 2 conversation planners that make finding the right response simple and FAST.
- BONUS self-hypnosis kit worth $75. Program your mind to handle difficult behaviours confidently and easily. Your bonus audio kit includes Handling Sarcasm, Be a Gossip Buster and Managing Guilt Mongers. This kit is worth your signupt investment all by itself!
So, if you’re sick of being the target of verbal attacks, it’s time to decide.
You can keep feeling bullied, manipulated and unfairly treated OR you can master the Verbal Attack Defense System and take back your dignity, power and sanity right now. It’s a no-brainer, when you consider this.
Your investment is 100% risk free. Say ‘no’ to verbal abuse and ‘yes’ to standing your ground.
I personally guarantee it. If you do the work but are still not happy with the Verbal Attack Response System, just email your completed activity sheets to me within 30 days of enrolment. You’ll get a full refund. No questions asked. So, stop putting up with verbal attacks and step into the zone of assertive responding.