Future-proof your brain, start dancing

What educators and parents should know about neuroplasticity, learning, and dance

Can movement change the way your brains work? According to the article in Sharp Brains, the answer is yes. Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change its structure and function in response to experience. This means that you can learn new things and create new habits, even as you age. Dance is a great way to take advantage of neuroplasticity, because it involves both mental and physical activity. It can improve cognitive function and memory, as well as mood and emotional regulation.

The article cites a study that found that “dancing may improve cognitive function by enhancing neuroplasticity.” It goes on to say that “the brain is incredibly plastic, meaning it can change its structure and function in response to various experiences.” This is great news for educators and parents! It means that you can help you children learn by providing them with opportunities to engage in activities that are challenging and stimulating.


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So what does this mean for managers, business owners, and supervisors? It means that you need to be creative in your approach to employee development and training. First, by creating an environment that encourages employees to learn and grow. This could mean offering training opportunities or giving employees the freedom to experiment with new ideas. Second, by providing employees with breaks throughout the day so they can move their bodies and get some exercise. Finally, by promoting healthy lifestyles for employees, which will have a positive impact on their brains as well as their bodies.

This article shows that dance can be a useful tool for improving cognitive skills. Improving cognitive skills can lead to increased productivity and creativity in the workplace. It can also help employees stay focused and motivated. Creating a workplace that encourages employees to be physically active and engage in mentally stimulating activities will benefit the company as a whole.

Find more in the original article here: https://sharpbrains.com/blog/2016/01/22/what-educators-and-parents-should-know-about-neuroplasticity-learning-and-dance

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference.