Sick of writing job applications that go into the ‘HR vortex’?

It’s not YOU that’s the problem, it’s your Linkedin page. Your profile is the first thing employers look at. So if you don’t have a standout page, you’ll never get an interview. Now for the good news. Standing out on LinkedIn is surprisingly easy. After all, most people do a terrible job of writing their profiles. 

So if yours includes 5 simple elements, you’ll stand out from the digital crowd. Standout on Linkedin shows you exactly how to do that. Even if you hate promoting yourself, have a chronic case of writer’s block or suffer from imposter syndrome.

Learn with Eleanor Shakiba, trainer and coach to over 50,000 people.

If you’re wasting hours on job applications that go nowhere, it’s time to invest in a solution

You see, the consequences of having a substandard Linkedin page are scary. It’s very easy to make rookie mistakes (after all, you’re not a professional writer). Sadly, those mistakes will have employers leaving your Linkedin page in droves. And that means you’ll stay stuck in the same old job, wondering whether you really do have what it takes to win that promotion or dream job.

It’s time to take action. Standout on Linkedin gives you a proven process for turning your profile from ‘blah’ to ‘star’ in one weekend. It’s based on exactly the same system I’ve taught thousands of people in my personal branding workshops. These workshops cost $3,000 if you bring me in to train your team. Or $700 if you attend one of my public programs. But maybe you don’t have that sort of cash to spare. Or maybe you want to get started revamping your profile today, instead of waiting for my next course.

That’s why I created an online version of Standout on Linkedin. It’s specifically designed for ambitious professionals like you. It condenses everything I’ve learned about writing an impressive LinkedIn profile into 6 easy lessons. It’s a quick, effective way to upgrade your Linkedin page – without investing in expensive career coaching or writing services.

What’s included in your course pack

Standout on Linkedin includes everything you need to build a high impact Linkedin Page over a weekend.

  • 6 videos with illustrations of exactly how to set up your LinkedIn page.
  • Your 30 page course manual.
  • 3 planning sheets to help you pinpoint your skills.
  • 3 audio guides to make writing easy, even if you hate writing.
  • 6 cheat sheets to save you time and effort. You’ll love the cheat sheet that explains exactly how to take the perfect profile shot, even if you can’t afford a professional photoshoot.

Get a bonus pack worth $180

Enrol today to receive a free copy of the Reboot Your Career kit. This is exactly the same kit hundreds of my coaching clients have used to upgrade their confidence and power through job interviews. It’s yours free with Standout on Linkedin.

1. Hate writing applications and going to interviews? You’ll love the NLP mind-programming audio pack. It contains 4 self-hypnosis sessions, each worth $25. Including Beat Writer’s Block, Feel Confident Now, Ace That Interview, Speak Persuasively.

2. Don’t know where to start? The Linkedin Makeover Guide is a quick start manual for people like you. It sells separately for $55, but it’s yours for free with Standout on Linkedin.

3. Hate salary negotiations? Ditch the fear with Earn What You’re Worth. It’s a simple guide to the ins and outs of negotiating a great deal during job interviews and performance reviews. It sells separately for $25 but comes free with Standout on Linkedin. 

Your 60 day, worry-free guarantee

If you’ve read this far, you’re ready to get started. And there’s every reason to act immediately. Here’s why. When you buy Standout on Linkedin, you get a full money back guarantee.

Yes! I am 100% committed to creating training that delivers real-life results for my students. That’s why I offer a 60 day, money-back guarantee on this course. 

If you complete the course activities and are not happy with the value Standout on Linkedin brings to your life, just send an email to within 60 days of purchase. I will refund your full course fee. This way there is no risk to you. You can buy this great course with full confidence it will help you create a wow factor profile page.

Don’t just update your profile, upgrade it!

About your course presenter



Hi. My name’s Eleanor.

I help talented professionals – like you – think and speak in ways that drive success. I’ve trained over 50,000 people to accelerate their career results and build powerful pwersonal brands. 

I started my career as a staff development trainer at the University of Sydney. These days,  I run my own training business, Think Learn Succeed.

I deliver programs covering three main areas: positive mindset, powerful communication and purposeful leadership.

To write  a winning profile page, you need skills in all three areas. That’s why I designed Stand Out on Linkedin. It’s full of practical tips you can use to revamp your Linkedin page with minimum effort. After all, you’re not a professional writer. You need a fuss-free way to write your page, so you can focus on getting your ideal job or customer. 

If you want to create winning profile page, enrol in Stand Out on Linkedin now. I’m looking forward to working with you.