Unveiling momentum lab: your 7-day path to unstoppability

For high achievers, there’s nothing worse than realising your momentum has stalled for no apparent reason.  Your filing cabinet is full of unfinished projects. Your to-do list is growing longer by the minute. And your once-steep career trajectory has dived, taking your motivation with it. This is not the end, though. You can rebuild momentum get back on track. In fact, that’s what my Momentum Lab (which is starting soon) is all about. \

Momentum Lab is for stalled go-getters. It moves you from stuck to unstoppable in just 7 days.  How? By shifting your attention away from WHY your progress has stalled. Then showing you HOW to get going again – without feeling overwhelmed or pressurised. Momentum helps you take three important steps.

STEP 1: Get truly motivated instead of hyped up

What’s the difference? When you’re motivated, you get energy from within. When you’re hyped-up, you rely on external forces to push you forward. That’s why true motivation lasts over the long-term, but hype dies off quickly. In Momentum Lab, we use a unique Success Maker Plan to spark deep, enduring motivation. This doesn’t just plan your day; it drives your success in achieving your goals.

STEP 2: Get organised, without getting overloaded

No. This does not involve writing countless to-do lists, hiring a professional organiser or downloading yet another productivity app. Instead, in means using the Succeed in 60 Formula to tame chaos and take back control. Once you do this, of course, it will be easier to focus and thrive. And if organising isn’t your thing, don’t worry. You’ll be given lots of tools and cheat sheets to make streamlining your life easy.


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STEP 3: Get results focused, instead of being busy

Yep. No doubt you’ve heard there’s a big difference between efficiency and effectiveness. Momentum takes this idea a step further. You learn to program your mind and your behaviour, so you can get results without working 24/7. What would you do if were 10 times more effective? You’ll find out in Momentum Lab!

I love running Momentum Lab, because the transformations in just one week are astonishing. People who hadn’t made progress for years, suddenly leap forward. Those who have been struggling with motivation find their drive again. And everyone discovers how to manage their energy better – so we can all can relax and enjoy life as well as achieving true success.

If this sounds something you can benefit from (and honestly, who wouldn’t want to be unstoppable and enjoy life at the same time?) join me in Momentum Lab. You’ll get access to all the tools, techniques and support you need to regain your momentum and achieve true success. Enrol here.

This article was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer and success coach. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference.  Since discovering her passion for training and development, Eleanor has trained more than 60,000 people. She delivers face-to-face workshops for corporates, online masterclasses for leaders and Positive Psychology retreats for trainers, HR practitioners and leaders.