Positive deviants are people who diverge from the norm in constructive ways. They make the world a better place. If you’re a positive deviant, this blog is for you.

Are thinking gaps limiting your team’s success?

Did you ever wonder how some professionals effortlessly command attention, exude confidence, and leave a …

Do you need leadership coaching?

If you struggle to take charge, one-on-one coaching could be the key to your success …

3 myths that keep women stuck in middle management

If you think women are achieving parity in management roles, think again. Sure, women are …

Be a bold, self-assured leader

Leadership is tough. Sometimes you need support. This is where coaching comes in. Leadership coaching …

Boost your creativity by accessing hypnagogic states

There’s a moment between being asleep and being awake when your mind is in a …

Lost momentum on an important goal?

Stop making excuses and start making progress. Rapid progress. Enrol in my Momentum Lab group …

Are you motivated by self-discipline or toxic persistence?

Self-discipline is certainly a trait to be admired. It’s that inner strength that lets you …

Why did I create the Momentum Lab?

Because I know what it’s like to have important goals, but no time or energy …

‘Personal’ memories are easier to recall than other details. Here’s why.

I’ve always been fascinated by how vividly we remember some memories, while others  fade away …

Have you reached a career crunch point?

Are you struggling to progress despite your best efforts? Join my free masterclass, Momentum Formula.  …

Leap from career limbo to momentum

Do you feel overworked, underappreciated and unrewarded at work?  It’s a common scenario that I …

When being great with people isn’t great for you…

Are you the kind of person who always puts others’ needs before your own? Do …