Resilience is NOT picking yourself up after a fall

Do live by the mantra ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going’?  It’s time to ditch that belief. Resilience is not about being tough or keeping on going despite pain. It’s about how well you can adapt to hard times. You can’t plan for everything. Life throws bumps in the road. After hitting a bump, you might not be able to continue down the same path. Resilience allows you to find a different path. So, how do you build more resilience? Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) provides a range of tools that expand your thinking power. Hear NLP trainer Eleanor Shakiba explains how three of these tools work.

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4 mind hacks for mental stamina

Do you lack confidence? Philosophical ideas from over 2,000 years ago may offer a solution. Ancient philosophers believed that stoicism is the secret to boosting your resilience. Being stoic involves knowing what you can and can’t control. It allows you to keep an optimistic mindset in challenging times. Luckily, anyone can increase their mental stamina with the right techniques.

A lack of confidence and resilience can keep you from exploring new opportunities. Your negative feelings can hold you back. A recent article on offers up four tricks for increasing your mental stamina. First, the author suggests asking, “what’s the worst that could happen?” Asking this question helps you maintain a realistic perspective during difficult times. It keeps you from becoming unrealistically optimistic and unnecessarily pessimistic.

Accepting that you can’t control all outcomes is the second trick for boosting mental toughness. It’s also a key aspect of stoicism. The author of the article calls this a “reserve clause.” It’s about realising that you’re not 100% in control. This means that you can’t blame yourself 100% for failures. It also allows you to focus on what you can control. You can devote your mental energy to what matters instead of focusing on the past.

Looking at the bigger picture is the third mind hack for increased resiliency. When setbacks occur, you need to recognise that all events are temporary. Each mistake is just a minor blip in the grand scheme of things. This helps you gain a better perspective of the impact of your mistakes. It also makes it easier to move on instead of dwelling on your screw-ups.


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The fourth suggestion is to build a support network or seek a role model. When all else fails, having support from others can keep you moving forward. Successful leaders know when to ask for advice or assistance. All four of the techniques discussed are based on quotes and teachings from stoic philosophers. You can explore the core components of stoicism in the original article here.

Many of the same ideas explored in the article are used in positive psychology techniques and NLP methods. NLP teaches you that each experience is shaped by your reaction to an event instead of the event itself. Understanding that events are not good or bad can help you alter how you interpret them. NLP provides several solutions for boosting resilience. You can learn how to reframe negative thoughts to gain a more positive outlook.

For example, NLP reframing is a common method for replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. It requires you to see things from a different view. This helps you stop dwelling on negativity. You can open your eyes to opportunities, including the ones where you can’t control the outcomes.

As explained in the article, your judgments shape your experiences. If you want positive experiences, you need to maintain optimism and confidence, which is where NLP comes in. You need to know what you can and can’t control and NLP can help. Get started by viewing my one-to-one coaching services and online courses at

4 mind hacks for mental stamina

Do you lack confidence? Philosophical ideas from over 2,000 years ago may offer a solution. Ancient philosophers believed that stoicism is the secret to boosting your resilience. Being stoic involves knowing what you can and can’t control. It allows you to keep an optimistic mindset in challenging times. Luckily, anyone can increase their mental stamina with the right techniques.

A lack of confidence and resilience can keep you from exploring new opportunities. Your negative feelings can hold you back. A recent article on offers up four tricks for increasing your mental stamina. First, the author suggests asking, “what’s the worst that could happen?” Asking this question helps you maintain a realistic perspective during difficult times. It keeps you from becoming unrealistically optimistic and unnecessarily pessimistic.

Accepting that you can’t control all outcomes is the second trick for boosting mental toughness. It’s also a key aspect of stoicism. The author of the article calls this a “reserve clause.” It’s about realising that you’re not 100% in control. This means that you can’t blame yourself 100% for failures. It also allows you to focus on what you can control. You can devote your mental energy to what matters instead of focusing on the past.

Looking at the bigger picture is the third mind hack for increased resiliency. When setbacks occur, you need to recognise that all events are temporary. Each mistake is just a minor blip in the grand scheme of things. This helps you gain a better perspective of the impact of your mistakes. It also makes it easier to move on instead of dwelling on your screw-ups.

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The fourth suggestion is to build a support network or seek a role model. When all else fails, having support from others can keep you moving forward. Successful leaders know when to ask for advice or assistance. All four of the techniques discussed are based on quotes and teachings from stoic philosophers.

Many of the same ideas explored in the article are used in positive psychology techniques and NLP methods. NLP teaches you that each experience is shaped by your reaction to an event instead of the event itself. Understanding that events are not good or bad can help you alter how you interpret them. NLP provides several solutions for boosting resilience. You can learn how to reframe negative thoughts to gain a more positive outlook.

For example, NLP reframing is a common method for replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. It requires you to see things from a different view. This helps you stop dwelling on negativity. You can open your eyes to opportunities, including the ones where you can’t control the outcomes.

As explained in the article, your judgments shape your experiences. If you want positive experiences, you need to maintain optimism and confidence, which is where NLP comes in. You need to know what you can and can’t control and NLP can help. Get started by viewing my one-to-one coaching services and online courses at

Fire up your motivation today

Feeling exhausted and burned out? That can change today. Most people believe that motivation is directly linked to the state of mental energy. They believe that once your body and mind are at their peak physical and mental states, you’re motivated to go through the ups and downs of daily life. But new research shows the opposite. Your brain is as powerful at creating and inducing motivation as it is at turning on and off your motivation. It has as much to do with your emotions and the stories you tell yourself as it does about your level of physical energy.

Whether you’re someone who seeks extra energy or motivation, this simple 2-step guide will help you to reverse a stressful habit and start taking charge of your own life.

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  • Start small. The best way to manage your emotions is to start with something that’s manageable. It’s better to take the small steps that you need to get started than to give up on something big. Choose a small goal today and set about doing it. This will make you feel like you’ve accomplished something – and you’ll build motivation from that point on.
  • Make some changes. Change your exercise routine, increase the amount of exercise you do or try something new, like aerobic exercise. If you have a hard time getting up and going out, plan a morning routine that helps you get out of bed on time.
  • When you are motivated, you tend to be more positive about your future and what you want to achieve. So, power up your motivation today!

    As the author of Beat Imposter Syndrome, I can help you achieve success easily. Find out about my one-to-one coaching and online courses at

    Mental stamina coaching for leaders

    Leadership roles are often mentally draining. The challenges that you deal with may leave you fatigued. If you’re struggling to cope with stress, personalised coaching can help. Specialised mental stamina coaching teaches you how to change your negative thinking patterns.

    Learn how to deal with situations that tend to leave you mentally exhausted or overstressed. You gain strategies for staying focused, motivated, and confident. Find out how coaching can prepare you for success. Book a free discovery call with Eleanor Shakiba today.


    Anyone can learn to be confident. Find out how!

    It’s time to stop perpetuating the myth that some people are naturally confident. Confidence isn’t a personality trait. It’s a learned ability. So, instead of faking it until you make it, you should focus on building authentic confidence. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a powerful tool for doing this. Learn how to change your thinking patterns and tackle low self-esteem in this inspiring video from NLP trainer, Eleanor Shakiba.

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    Beat imposter syndrome and lead without fear

    Ever feel like an impostor? You’re not alone. Most people feel unworthy of their success at some point in their careers. Yet, it’s especially harmful to leaders. It impacts everything from employee morale to time management. Luckily, anyone can learn to beat imposter syndrome.

    According to an article published in the Harvard Business Review, imposter syndrome is a common problem for C-suite professionals. Managers and leaders often doubt their abilities and self-worth. Manfred FR Kets de Vries, the author of the article, explains that feelings of self-doubt are less pressing when they come from someone lower on the totem pole. However, when you reach a position with more responsibilities, your insecurities become more visible.

    Fortunately, the article provides three solutions for overcoming the uncertainty associated with imposter syndrome. First, you should strategise vulnerability. This means that you should be willing to fail. Your vulnerability should be open for others to see, as it helps humanise you. The author also recommends greater transparency and open communication among team members.

    The second solution is to promote problem-solving. Encouraging others to solve problems reduces your burden and stress. It’s a form of delegation, which also shows that you believe in the skills and abilities of your staff. This reinforces their confidence, which helps keep imposter syndrome from spreading to your team.

    The third solution is to make questions more commonplace. Ask questions and invite others to ask questions. Questions encourage an environment of learning. You should accept that you don’t have the answers to everything. Be prepared to ask others for help when there is a gap in your knowledge. According to the article, leaders can also use these techniques to address imposter syndrome among their team members.

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    Imposter syndrome is a drain on your self-esteem and confidence. As explained in the article, vulnerability can help leaders feel less as if they are imposters. However, I also find that high achievers struggle to be vulnerable. You don’t want to be perceived as a failure, which comes from a place of fear.

    Recognising that you cannot control what others think is a good first step in dealing with fear. You should also take the time to list your positive abilities and traits. You can use them as anchors to remind yourself of your worth when you feel as if you are an imposter.

    Over 70% of people experience feelings of inadequacy. When these feelings occur in the workplace, you may start to think of yourself as an imposter. As the author of Beat Imposter Syndrome, I can help. Find out about my one-to-one coaching and online courses at

    Conflict coaching for leaders

    As a leader, you’re likely to encounter conflicts in the workplace. Conflict coaching can give you the skills needed to handle any situation. Eleanor Shakiba is a leading confidence coach and ready to work with you. Learn to work more effectively with others and resolve issues easily.

    One-on-one conflict coaching is tailored to your specific needs. Receive individual guidance for dealing with your biggest anxieties or fears. You’ll be able to stay calm under pressure and manage conflicts with less stress. Set up a free discovery call to learn more or book your first coaching session today.


    3 mind habits of highly confident people

    Once upon a time, confidence was thought of as an innate personal trait. Folks believed that some people are born with it and others are not. These days, we know that isn’t true; people don’t have confident personalities. Instead, we learn to think in ways that influence our self-worth.

    So, what’s confidence? It’s an attitude or a way of focusing your mind. Research has shown that confidence blossoms when you focus your attention on three key elements.


    When you’re confident, you believe your actions can create positive results. This increases your willingness to act and therefore boosts your chances of achieving your goals. Psychologists call this having a high level of ‘self-efficacy’. According to positive psychologist, Martin Seligman, working on your self-efficacy is more important than building your self-esteem if you want to boost confidence.

    Internal locus of control

    What do you think controls your life? External forces, such as fate, luck or nature? Or your own efforts? Confident individuals believe that control comes from within. Thus, they focus their attention on things they can influence. As Mira Kirshenbaum says, “the secret of confidence is focusing on what you can control, not what you can’t”.

    Uplifting emotions

    Positive emotions don’t just feel good, they also help you learn, bond with others and think flexibly. Barbara Fredrickson is a renowned scholar in the field of social psychology. She has identified the 10 most psychologically beneficial emotions as joy, gratitude, serenity, interest, hope, pride, amusement, awe and love.

    You CAN shift into the thinking habits that support high confidence. Get started by upgrading your focus skills today.


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    The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. Carl Jung

    Everyone is their own worst critic. However, some people let the inner critic get the best of them. Negative self-criticism can have an emotional and physical impact on your well-being. According to advice from Harvard Health Publishing, you’re more likely to suffer from low self-esteem when you can’t accept your capabilities.

    It’s possible to gain self-acceptance and love yourself as you are. First, you should understand the definition of self-acceptance. Srini Pillay, MD defines self-acceptance as your acceptance of all your attributes, including positive and negative attributes. Accepting yourself includes body acceptance and self-protection from negative criticism. Self-acceptance also requires you to believe in your abilities.

    According to Pillay, most people have low self-acceptance. He argues that this typically occurs due to low self-esteem. To boost their self-esteem, people may try to accomplish great tasks. However, this may only offer a short-term benefit. Achievement is a poor replacement for intimacy. The article goes on to explain the consequences of low self-acceptance. If you don’t believe in yourself, you may suffer from additional stress. Excess stress increases your risk of various physical ailments.

    Pillay presents three ways to increase self-acceptance: self-regulation, self-awareness, and self-transcendence. Self-regulation requires you to suppress negative emotions. You suppress the negative emotions by refocusing on the positive features of yourself. You can reframe negative situations to find new opportunities.

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    Self-awareness involves seeing yourself as others see you. Sometimes you need to stop and look at yourself from an outside perspective to see the truth. Self-transcendence involves relying less on external forces to define yourself. Srini Pillay MD also recommends meditation as a path to greater self-acceptance.

    Why does self-acceptance matter? If you can’t accept yourself, others won’t. This is a common worry for those that suffer from imposter syndrome. When you don’t feel worthy of your position, you’re likely to struggle through most projects. One solution is to recognise that no one is perfect. Self-acceptance is about accepting yourself as you are, including traits that you consider negative.

    After over 20 years of confidence coaching, I’ve learned that not all methods work for everyone. However, self-regulation as described in the article is often effective for reframing negative self-criticism. Using positive thoughts to counter negative ones leads to a shift in your thought patterns. It boosts your self-esteem, which makes it easier to accept yourself.

    Of course, accepting yourself is easier said than done. Working with a professional can help ensure you receive the tools needed to finally start loving yourself. Find out how to beat imposter syndrome by checking out my one-to-one coaching and online courses at