No motivation? Here’s why

Most people occasionally experience a lack of motivation. It’s natural to lose interest in a task or project, but what drives this loss of motivation? According to leading psychologists, rewards largely influence your desire to accomplish things. Receiving an internal or external reward helps keep people motivated.

So, what type of reward works best for motivation? The answer depends on the type of motivation. In psychology, motivation is either intrinsic or extrinsic. A recent article on perfectly explains how rewards impact both types of motivation.

First, it’s important to understand the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is internally rewarding. It comes from behaviour that is mostly driven by your self-satisfaction instead of an external reward.

Activities that you engage in for fun are examples of intrinsic motivation. Hobbies are commonly intrinsically motivated. The self-satisfaction that you get from the activity is rewarding enough. Research suggests that adding external rewards on top of internal rewards decreases motivation. Psychologists call this the “over-justification effect”. Your intrinsic enjoyment of a task is sufficient justification for completing it. Adding an external reward creates the perception that the task is over-justified.

Extrinsic motivation comes from a desire to gain external rewards or avoid repercussions. You show up to work to earn money, which is an external reward. If you take away your pay, you’ll likely lack the motivation to go to the office.

However, your performance is also influenced by a variety of intrinsic factors. You likely gain a sense of satisfaction when others recognise your hard work. You may also find completing a challenging work task intrinsically rewarding,

Motivation and self-confidence are closely linked. If you tend to suffer from imposter syndrome, your motivation could be to blame. Self-motivation gives you the drive to set and complete goals. Without this motivation, you may gradually lose confidence in your ability to get things done. Listing the ways that you find your work intrinsically rewarding can boost your motivation in the workplace.

A lack of confidence can also significantly lower your motivation. Without confidence, it’s more of a challenge to stay motivated. Luckily, it’s possible to increase both your motivation and confidence. Choosing the right reward system can boost your motivation to complete tasks. The more you accomplish the more your confidence in your abilities grows.

Building true confidence requires motivation. Based on the article discussed, a reward system is a powerful tool for becoming more motivated. Yet, motivation is only part of the equation for gaining confidence. Neuro-linguistic programming offers a way to reframe your thought patterns, including the way that you think about motivation. Learn how to beat imposter syndrome with my one-to-one coaching and online courses at



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Low status words derail your career: stop using them now

Hey there, frustrated professional!  Are you sick of being passed over for promotion? Despite all that hard work and the long hours you put in every week. Why is that the people who talk themselves up are the ones climbing the ladder, while you’re the one doing all the real work?

Well, maybe it’s not so much what those people say, but how they say it. You see, some of us naturally use ‘high status’ language patterns. Others – maybe you – were taught to speak like a low-status team member. Sadly, everyday speech habits can keep you stuck in lower management. That’s particularly true if you’re female. Sigh.

If this sounds familiar, don’t fret. The good news is that three small changes to the way you speak can unblock your career faster than a bottle of Draino unblocks that stinky kitchen sink. Firstly, stop speaking about operational details. This is not what senior folks focus on. To sound like management material, you need to use high-level language and talk about the future.  Don’t talk about how many widgets were produced last week. Instead, explain how you boosted productivity by 10%. Use words like ‘strategic’, ‘long-term’ and ‘future-proof’. This shows you understand the big picture – a valuable attribute in any leader.

Secondly, stop asking your boss for instructions. People who get promoted think for themselves. If you’re not sure what to do, offer your boss alternatives and make recommendations. Keep it quick, too. This will communicate that you’re someone who can solve problems and make decisions. In other words, a great candidate for that vacant leadership job.


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Finally, always be brief but clear when responding to questions. Nobody wants long rambling explanations or stories. Ditch the details, history and descriptions of your problems.  Senior people just need simple yes/no answers or short summaries. Pause and think about why the question has been asked. Then get straight to the point. Being succinct shows that you’re smart and intuitive – which makes you stand out from your colleagues, I bet.

And please remember that confident professionals speak up and stand out. They don’t sit quietly in the background or use low-status language. So, with a few tweaks to your communication, you can be a leader who makes a difference. If you’d like help powering up your communication habits, get in touch. I’d love to give you a few more tips.

This article was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer and success coach. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference.  Since discovering her passion for training and development, Eleanor has trained more than 60,000 people. She delivers face-to-face workshops for corporates, online masterclasses for leaders and Positive Psychology retreats for trainers, HR practitioners and leaders. 




Raising tough issues with your boss without creating a political mess

How can speaking truth to power help your career? That is the question that this article for SHRM seeks to answer. According to this article, there are four key benefits to speaking truth to power: gaining influence, developing relationships, increasing your credibility and gaining knowledge.

First step is to understand what truth-telling is and what it is not. Truth-telling is about candour and speaking up when something isn’t right. It’s about being honest with yourself and others, even when it’s uncomfortable. It’s also about holding yourself and others accountable.

Truth-telling is not about being a bully, being negative, or stirring up trouble. It’s also not about speaking out of turn or going against the company’s policies.

So how can managers start speaking truth to power in their own workplaces? Shakiba offers five tips:

1) Start with yourself: Be honest with yourself, and admit when you’re wrong. Be willing to change your mind and be open to new information.

2) Speak up: When you see something that isn’t right, speak up. Don’t stay silent just because it’s uncomfortable or you’re afraid of repercussions.

3) Build relationships of trust: Establish trust with your team by being honest and transparent yourself. Share information openly, listen attentively, and be respectful.

4) Set the example: Lead by example, and show your team that you value accountability and honesty. Model the behaviour you want them to emulate.

5) Hold people accountable: Demand accountability from your team members, and don’t be afraid to call them out when they fall short. Reward them when they do well.


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Each of these benefits are important for career success. Gaining influence allows you to get things done and get your ideas heard. Developing relationships helps you build a support network of people who can help you advance in your career. Increasing your credibility makes people more likely to trust you and take your ideas seriously. And gaining knowledge allows you to stay ahead of the curve and be better equipped to handle challenges in your career. Speaking truth to power is not always easy, but it can be a powerful tool for career success.

Find our more in the original article here:

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference. 



3 signs your ‘burnout’ is really leader loneliness

Leaders are often forced to face tough situations alone, maintaining confidentiality and showing a brave face in challenging times. This can create a sense of isolation and exhaustion, which is known as ‘leader loneliness’. People who experience leader loneliness are at higher risk of burnout and stress-related problems. But there is something you can do to avoid it. In this short video, leadership coach Eleanor Shakiba describes three signs of loneliness that leaders need to watch out for. Plus, she gives practical tips for finding the support and assistance you need to thrive in your leadership role.


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Power up your assertiveness today

Do you know what it takes to be a successful leader? According to this recent article by Lolly Daskal, it takes seven powerful habits. This article outlines these habits and explains how they can help managers, business owners, and supervisors become more assertive.

The seven habits listed in this article will help you become more assertive and successful. They are:

The first habit is knowing your wants. You need to take some time for introspection and honestly ask yourself what you want out of life. Once you know your wants, the next step is to come up with a plan on how to get them. This usually involves setting goals and creating a roadmap to achieving them.

The second habit is self-awareness. You need to be aware of your strengths, weaknesses, and triggers. Knowing this information will help you stay in control during challenging situations.

The third habit is managing your emotions. It’s important to not let your emotions get the best of you. Stay calm and focused when things get tough.

The fourth habit is self-confidence. Believe


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The fifth habit is communication skills. Learning how to communicate effectively will help you get your point across while maintaining relationships.

The sixth habit is assertiveness. Be assertive in your actions and words; this will help you get what you want while still respecting others’ rights and feelings.

The seventh and final habit is responsibility. Take responsibility for your own happiness and success; don’t rely on others to do it for you.

Each of these habits is explained in detail, and includes examples of how to apply them in your own life. For example, under the habit “take action”, the article recommends breaking down your goals into small steps so that you can make progress every day. This is a great way to stay motivated and on track. Assertiveness skills are important because they allow leaders to communicate effectively, set boundaries, and stand up for what they believe in. Leaders who possess these skills are more likely to succeed than those who do not.

These seven habits will help you become more assertive in any situation. But why should managers, business owners and supervisors care? Because being more assertive can lead to better decisions, improved communication and better relationships with employees and customers. So try out these habits and see how they work for you.

Find out more in the original article here:

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference. 



The dangers of being too humble: a warning for female leaders

The importance of humility in leadership is often touted by leadership experts. For example, it is widely claimed that humility allows leaders to effectively engage with their teams, understand divergent viewpoints and foster unity. However, it’s important to remember that there is also a downside to being too humble at work. In fact, being excessively humble is simply a sign of imposter syndrome.

For female leaders, the dangers of ‘over-humbling’ can be particularly grave. When women are excessively humble, they can unwittingly reduce their credibility with both peers and team members. If you’ve ever done this, you’ll know how much it can reduce your ability to make an impact as a manager or business owner. Sadly, this is a situation that can be used against female leaders by those seeking to undermine their authority or discredit their ideas. This is why I spend so much time teaching women to focus on shining, rather than self-effacing.

Let’s face facts. Overly humble leaders can be taken advantage of by political players and self-aggrandising colleagues. This makes early-career leaders, in particular, vulnerable to power games and sabotage. Plus, because so many women loathe engaging in office politics, it puts female bosses and team leaders at a distinct disadvantage in large organisations. Even in organisations which run Women in Leadership training, this problem is rarely addressed.


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Secondly, when female leaders are overly humble, they don’t speak up for themselves. They back down from difficult conversations or make concessions way too early in negotiations. This can be disastrous when it comes to setting and maintaining boundaries with team members or clients – something that every manager and business owner regularly needs to do. It also prevents women asking for promotions or being fairly remunerated for their efforts as leaders.

Finally, being too humble can cause female leaders to miss out on promotions after first breaking the glass ceiling. If a woman is too humble to accept credit for her accomplishments, she risks blending into the background and not being taken seriously by higher-ups. This is a classic example of what happens when a leader has Chameleon Syndrome – a toxic need to fit in at all costs. There are three signs a manager has this mindset.

  • She’s too humble to shine
  • She’s too busy to make an impact
  • She’s too nice to speak up

If this sounds like you, there is some good news.  You can overcome Chameleon Syndrome by working on your credibility, impact and confidence. That’s why I designed my Complete Confidence with NLP course in 2022 and why women enrol in it 5 times as often as men.

To find out more about how I help females managers become leaders who make a difference, continue reading my posts. I’ll be giving you lots of useful advice on how to overcome Chameleon Syndrome over the coming weeks.

This article was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer and success coach. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference.  Since discovering her passion for training and development, Eleanor has trained more than 60,000 people. She delivers face-to-face workshops for corporates, online masterclasses for leaders and Positive Psychology retreats for trainers, HR practitioners and leaders. 




Leaders with mental stamina aren’t tough. They are wise.

What does it take to lead in tough times? Most people assume the answer is psychological toughness. But that isn’t true. Relying too much on mental fortitude  increases your risk of suffering from exhaustion and fatigue. A smarter option is to become a wise leader. In this video, you’ll learn how to do this by thinking flexibly. Watch now to hear leadership coach, Eleanor Shakiba, explain 4 types of flexible thinking – and how you can use them to increase your mental stamina.


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How does hypnosis work?

Can hypnosis help you to achieve your goals? According to the article on, the answer is yes. Hypnosis is a technique that can be used to reprogram your subconscious mind in order to achieve your goals. It can help you to overcome any obstacles that are holding you back and it can help you to stay focused on your goals.

Hypnosis is a trance-like state in which a person is more open to suggestion. It has been used for centuries to help people with various issues, such as weight loss, quitting smoking and reducing stress. More recently, hypnosis has been studied as a potential tool for improving work performance.

Studies have shown that hypnosis can improve task performance and increase motivation. In one study, participants who were hypnotised were able to complete a task faster and with fewer errors than those who were not hypnotized. In another study, participants who were hypnotised reported feeling more motivated to work and were more productive than those who were not hypnotised.

So how can you use this information to become a better leader? Here are three tips:

  1. Reduce stress with hypnosis. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, take a few minutes to hypnotise yourself and clear your mind. This will help you focus on the task at hand.
  2. Use hypnosis to increase self-awareness. When you know your triggers and how to deal with them, you’re less likely to let them impact your work.
  3. Practice self-hypnosis regularly. The more often you use hypnosis, the better you’ll become at it. This will help you stay calm and focused under pressure.


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So how can hypnosis help managers, business owners and supervisors? Hypnosis is a powerful tool that can be used to enhance leadership abilities and increase overall team productivity in any type of organisation or business setting. It provides an effective way for managers, business owners and supervisors to gain insight into their own thoughts and feelings so they can realise greater success in their pursuits as leaders.

Find out more in the original article here:

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference. 



3 tiny words that power up credibility

This video comes with a free ebook, Beat Imposter Syndrome. Get your copy here. Learn how to power up your credibility and influence, using standout language patterns. Discover how ‘chameleon words’ reduce your impact as a speaker. Then hear how regularly using three small words makes you stand out as a credible leader. Get tips for becoming a high-impact speaker from leadership consultant, Eleanor Shakiba.


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I’m a control freak… but I don’t let it control me.

Time to come clean. I’m a control freak. And I’m not the only one! In times of uncertainty many people react by trying to regain control. But that’s not a healthy way to lead yourself, your team or your business.

So, how can you tell that your ‘organised mindset’ is actually a sign that you’re in full-blown control freak mode? Here are three signs that are dead giveaways.

1. You’re stressing out about people knowing you’re stressing out

Yep, you’re not the only one who does this! It’s a surprisingly common way of thinking among people with imposter syndrome, a distorted, unhelpful form of ‘metacognition’.

2. You believe you are 100 percent responsible for your own success

You give yourself no leeway. If something goes wrong, you scold yourself. Then you start working on making it go right again. You say things like “failure isn’t an option” and there’s no such thing as good enough.” You over-schedule, over-commit and over-work. And still, you want to achieve more

No. It’s not ambition or a good work ethic. It’s a sign your confidence very likely needs a reboot.

3. You self-compassion battery is totally flat.

Self-compassion is a form of support and nurturing you give yourself when you make mistakes, face embarrassing situations, or encounter adversity. It’s like a battery; when it’s low, you don’t have the energy to enjoy your life. But t it can be recharged – and there are good reasons to keep it fully charged.

Paul Gilbert is a research scientist who studies the neuroscience of self-compassion. He claims that three brain systems work together to help you handle adversity and survive in chaotic times. Your ‘mammalian care-giving system’ is one of these systems. When it’s outward-facing, it enables you to feel, and show, compassion for those around you. But it can also be inward-facing. In this case, your care-giving system promotes a sense of self-security and stability.


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