Command attention with persuasive words

Have you ever struggled to convince someone to do something that you think is the right decision? If so, then understanding persuasive writing techniques becomes incredibly important. This article in Conversions Sciences discusses the science of persuasion and outlines nine key tactics that can be used when trying to get someone to agree with your opinion.

The article explains how any manager, business owner or supervisor should always strive for credibility and trust when crafting persuasive messages. It also stresses the importance of understanding who your audience is in order to craft an argument tailored specifically for them. As well as this, it suggests using storytelling as a method of delivering your message as it allows people to relate more effectively and understand why doing something is beneficial for them.

The power of consistency and commitment when convincing someone. It is important to show evidence-based proof of your claims, while also making sure your requests are more likely to be fulfilled if they are able to be done quickly and easily. Additionally, she advises using scarcity tactics, anchoring effects and personalisation whenever possible. All these points help build momentum which increases the chance of persuasion success.

The article concludes by reminding managers that persuasion isn’t about manipulation or tricking people into doing things; instead, it’s about finding creative ways to communicate ideas in a way that resonates with their goals and needs. In order for any message or request be effective it needs to demonstrate value and make clear why following through on something is worthwhile in the long run. Being aware of these techniques can help leaders get better results from their teams or even customers.


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Persuasion isn’t just an art; it’s backed up by science too!  By understanding persuasive writing techniques, managers and business owners can craft arguments that are more likely to be accepted by their intended audience. Understanding your goals and the needs of your audience is the first step in creating a successful persuasive message that drives desired outcomes.

Using these strategies will help you effectively create a persuasive argument and get people to agree with your opinion. Remember to focus on credibility, trust and understanding your audience when creating persuasive messages. Additionally, use storytelling and evidence-based proof whenever possible to increase the chance of persuasion success. Lastly, demonstrate value and make clear why following through on something is worthwhile in the long run.

Find out more in the original article here:

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference.