Manage emotions to negotiate successfully

When it comes to negotiations, keeping your emotions in check is essential for a successful outcome. In the article “Managing Your Emotions during a Negotiation”, the author outlines three key points that can help you manage your emotions and achieve success. Most people think of emotions as a hindrance to getting what they want during a negotiation. After all, logic and reason are supposed to be the tools of the trade, right?

The first point is to be aware of your emotions and how they are impacting the negotiation. This can be done by taking a step back and evaluating how you’re feeling at different points during the negotiation. Are you feeling impatient? Frustrated? Anxious? Angry? Once you are aware of your emotions, you can start to manage them better.

The second point is to have a strategy for managing your emotions. This could involve deep breathing exercises, visualisation exercises, or positive self-talk. By having a strategy in place, you’ll be prepared for any emotion that comes up during the negotiation.

The third point is to practice emotional self-control. This means staying calm and composed even when things get tough during the negotiation. Staying in control of your emotions will help you stay focused on the goal of the negotiation and ultimately achieve a successful outcome.


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While these tips may seem like common sense, following them can make a big difference in the outcome of a negotiation. Managers, business owners, and supervisors who understand how to use their emotions effectively will be better equipped to get what they want out of negotiations. Understanding your triggers can help you avoid emotional outbursts that could damage negotiations. Managing your energy can help you stay focused and motivated during long negotiations. Staying positive can help keep the mood light and make it easier to reach an agreement. By being aware of your emotions and managing your triggers, and staying in control, you can stay focused and effective, you’ll be more likely to achieve success during negotiations and avoid wasting time on irrelevant discussions.

Find out more in the original article here:

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference.