Positive deviants are people who diverge from the norm in constructive ways. They make the world a better place. If you’re a positive deviant, this blog is for you.

How to build rapport at work

Not sure how to connect with a client or colleague? Learning to build rapport will …

How to handle negative people

Bad attitudes can be infectious. So how do you stay immune? Have you noticed how …

Moving from employee to business-owner

Colleen has big plans. This is the year she’ll leave her nine-to-five job and strike …

Talk yourself into success

Without action, your New Year’s resolutions are just words on a page. Here’s how to …

A new take on new year’s resolutions

Get your year off to the best possible start. Make your New Year resolutions about …

Using clean language to adapt to change

Rob’s team has just gone through a team restructure. It’s caused a lot of upheaval …

Challenging unhelpful presuppositions

Feeling unjustly criticised? Here’s how to spot hidden assumptions and what to do about them …

Speak clearly with ‘clean language’

Do you want to get your point across more effectively? Clean language techniques can help …

How to speak to a large group for the first time

Abby’s nervous. She’s been asked to speak at her industry conference. She’s never spoken to …

Framing an unpopular message

Got a difficult message to deliver? Here are some tips for telling people what they …

Speak persuasively

Speaking persuasively is more than finding the right words. Having a well-structured argument built on …

Four ways to say ‘no’

It’s a tiny word, but saying ‘no’ can seem a huge effort. Here’s how to …