Positive deviants are people who diverge from the norm in constructive ways. They make the world a better place. If you’re a positive deviant, this blog is for you.

Get active about passive-aggression

Passive aggression is way of covertly expressing anger. It involves using incongruent words, tones and …

How to convince a critical audience

Mina was nervous. She was presenting a change plan to a team of auditors. She …

Ancient wisdom for modern presenters

Aristotle developed a theory of persuasive speech writing in 320 B.C. His theory is still …

Three steps to a persuasive argument

To persuade, you need to create a compelling argument. You need to convince others to …

Sorting out team conflict

Kym had made an informal complaint about Antony ‘bullying’ her. Now Michael, their supervisor, had …

Managing Irrational People

Stella’s performance just wasn’t up to scratch. Kath, her supervisor, was keen to help Stella …

Break the rude email cycle

Terence was furious. He’d just received another abrupt, demanding email from his colleague, Tamara. He …

How to empathise with angry customers

Stephen was a customer support officer in a large software company. Years of listening to …

How to say no

Meredith was a Human Resources consultant. She was passionate about supporting her clients. But this …

Win the respect you deserve

Nitsa had been promoted to manage the team she had previously been part of. But …

Kiera and Jason didn’t get on. Annette, their supervisor, tried to sort things out. But Kiera insisted it was all Jason’s fault.

Kiera refused to acknowledge her own part in the conflict. In desperation, Annette enrolled in …

Trish needed to break news her clients didn’t want to hear. She wondered how to make the process easier.

Although Trish was an auditor, her question was one many professionals ask. Doctors, lawyers and …