5 tips for (re)building hope

Can hope be cultivated? According to the article “Harvesting Hope” on Psychology Today, it can. The article outlines five useful tips for cultivating hope, which is helpful for managers, business owners and supervisors.

The first tip is to create a hopeful vision. This involves looking at the possibilities of the future and thinking about what success could look like. It is important to remain optimistic and focus on taking action toward that goal rather than dwelling on the negative aspects of the situation.

Second, use positive language when discussing situations. Reframing challenges as opportunities and avoiding phrases such as “I can’t” or “It’s impossible”. This will help to maintain an upbeat attitude and inspire those around you.

Third, creating meaningful connections with colleagues and colleagues through support networks, mentorships, partnering with clients and other activities that create a sense of connection. This will help build an environment of trust and collaboration between team members, which can be a powerful source of hope in difficult times.


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Fourth, the importance of celebrating successes – no matter how small they may seem – as this will give everyone involved a boost of energy and motivation to keep going. Finally, setting personal goals that are achievable yet challenging enough to provide a sense of accomplishment when achieved.

By utilising these five tips, you can help promote a sense of hope in yourself and the people around you. When faced with challenges, try to focus on solutions and possibilities rather than dwelling on the negatives – this will help to create a more optimistic outlook for everyone involved.  With hope comes confidence and resilience; this is essential for making progress in any situation.  Cultivating hope is not an easy process, but it can be done by remaining mindful and open to possibilities.

By creating a hopeful vision, using positive language , building meaningful connections with their teams , celebrating successes ,and setting achievable yet challenging goals , leaders can instill an atmosphere of optimism and resilience among their staff . To learn more about cultivating hope readers can sign up to Success Tips for Leaders service .

Find out more in the original article here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/what-doesnt-kill-us/201206/harvesting-hope

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference. 


Confidence is like a well-tuned car

We all experience negative thoughts sometimes. But naturally confident people react to those thoughts in ways that boost self-esteem instead of draining it. Self-assured people draw on three systems of complete confidence: self-efficacy; emotion regulation and behavioural flexibility – to move beyond pessimism or self-doubt. You can do the same. Learn how in this inspiring video from NLP trainer, Eleanor Shakiba.


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Escape the limbo between stress and success

This video comes with a free ebook, The Positive Psychology Toolkit. Get your copy here. https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au/pp-toolkit-download/ Are you feeling overworked and undervalued? Do you feel like you’re stuck in a frustrating zone between stress and success? You’re not alone. Middle managers are increasingly burning out due to their unique position in the workplace. But there is a way to break free. In this thought-provoking video for managers, leadership coach Eleanor Shakiba explores how to escape the limbo between stress and success.


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2 ways to banish your fear of criticism

Do you ever feel intimidated by fear of criticism? Despite the fact that nobody likes to be criticised, it still happens in every workplace. In this article “2 Ways to Move Past Your Fear of Being Criticized,” provides a valuable insight into how people can come to terms with this often uncomfortable and discouraging emotion.

The article highlights two different techniques for tackling your fear of criticism: confronting your own inner critic head-on, and embracing the learning opportunities presented by constructive criticism. Through self-reflection and learning from our mistakes, you can ultimately learn to be more resilient in the face of criticism.

The article also stresses the importance of developing mental strategies to help you manage your emotions when faced with criticism. It encourages us to practice self-compassion and recognise that everyone makes mistakes. Additionally, it emphasises the importance of staying focused on our goals and not letting fear or criticism get in the way of personal growth.


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For managers, business owners, and supervisors this is an especially important topic to consider as it’s often their job to provide feedback or criticism to their employees. Taking these bits of advice on board could help them provide constructive criticism without causing unnecessary distress or paranoia among their staff. Not only will it make the interaction easier but it could also lead to more meaningful feedback that could help improve employee performance and workplace morale in the long run.

Ultimately, this article provides valuable insight into how to effectively manage criticism and turn it into something positive. By confronting our inner critic and embracing the learning opportunities that come from constructive feedback, we can use criticism as a means for personal growth and improved performance in any workplace.

This is a great way for business owners looking for additional support when managing their team or giving out critical feedback as it can help them do so in a way that is both effective and nurturing.

Find out more in the original article here: https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/social-instincts/202211/2-ways-move-past-your-fear-being-criticized

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference. 


Let’s stop blaming managers for the quiet quitting trend

Every day, we see another headline about Quiet Quitting: people  resigning, retiring and changing careers in droves. Much of the conversation centers around managers being at fault for this trend, but this simply isn’t helpful. Really, it has more to do with post-pandemic weariness than anything else. This is a delayed reaction to three years of global turbulence, loss and chaos. I don’t think this is really ‘burnout’ in the true sense of the word. A far  better label would be ‘exhaustion’. It’s a state caused by being stuck in a limbo zone between stress and success.

Sadly, while large numbers of  employees are feeling this deep  exhaustion, their managers aren’t too far behind. It’s easy to point fingers and assign blame during chaotic times, but this does nothing more than add to the mental overload already being felt by supervisors, managers and leaders. The truth is that people at all levels are realigning themselves after three years of stress. That’s one hundred percent predictable and normal.

So, instead of blaming managers for the Quiet Quitting trend let’s focus on supporting everyone. We all need a sense of support and respect during tough times. Managers also need to know that the invisible ‘toxic handling’ burden they carry is recognised. After all, people leaders have been carrying huge responsibility for enabling both businesses and teams to keep going over the past three years. Now we need to help them to reset, regain their energy and reconnect with their purpose and vision. Here are three practical ways to do this.


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Express thanks

Recognise what managers have been through during the pandemic and thank them for their efforts. Their resilience, hard work and dedication shouldn’t go unnoticed. Point out that they’ve supported the business and team through unprecedented challenges.

Stop sending them to resilience training!

The time for resilience training is over. Focus your development programs on helping managers to reflect and renew. Create a dynamic, positive space for them to reconnect with their own vision and purpose – as well as the organisation’s vision.

Offer flexible working

Flexibility helps everyone to reset and recover from burnout. Allow managers the option of reduced hours, secondments, jobsharing or even career breaks if they need them. A change is better than a resignation, after all.

The key takeway here is that  instead of blaming managers for the Quiet Quitting trend, we should focus on supporting everyone. We all need a sense of support and respect during tough times. And managers should be included in our efforts to make the future brighter.

This article was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer and success coach. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference.  Since discovering her passion for training and development, Eleanor has trained more than 60,000 people. She delivers face-to-face workshops for corporates, online masterclasses for leaders and Positive Psychology retreats for trainers, HR practitioners and leaders. 




Are your high standards a sign of imposter syndrome?

Are you always striving for perfection, but never feeling satisfied that you’ve done a good enough job? That’s a classic sign of imposter syndrome. In this video, NLP coach and trainer, Eleanor Shakiba explains why this happens. She explores the connection between high standards and low confidence. Then she explains how to reverse the self-doubt that drives imposter syndrome. by making small changes to your thinking habits. Learn to stop over-thinking, overworking and over-achieving – so you can tap into the power of authentic, deep level confidence.

Daily habits for a happy mind

Unlock the power of your subconscious mind so you can feel calm, relaxed and happy every day. Learn how tools from Positive Psychology and Neurolinguistic Programming can help you to transform your life. Hear how three simple habits can boost your emotional wellbeing and help you become your best self. This video is brought to you by success coach and trainer, Eleanor Shakiba.


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Surprising benefits of saying “I don’t know” at work

Everyone has moments where they feel inadequate. Yet, most people try to hide those feelings under a mask of false confidence. This is called the imposter syndrome and it affects over 70% of the population. A recent article on the topic helps shed light on the causes of imposter syndrome and how to conquer it.

So, what is the key to beating imposter syndrome? First, you need to understand where it comes from. The term imposter syndrome was coined by clinical psychologists Dr. Pauline Clance and Dr. Suzanne Imes in 1978. Dr. Valerie Young expanded upon their research by identifying five types of impostors: the soloist, the perfectionist, the natural genius, the superman/woman, and the expert.

The perfectionist feels as if giving 99% isn’t enough. According to Dr. Young, perfectionists need to understand that perfectionism inhibits success and not everything deserves 100%. The expert feels that they always need to acquire more knowledge. Yet, there is no end to knowledge.

The natural genius assumes that confidence and intelligence are natural traits that you’re born with. They need to realise that nothing is fixed. The soloist only feels competent when they complete tasks without help. However, smart people seek help from those who know more. The superman/woman feels that they must excel at everything instead of slowing down.


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All five types of impostors benefit from reframing, which is a common practice in neuro-linguistic programming (NLP). The best way to stop feeling like an impostor is to reframe your thoughts. The next time that you feel inadequate, stop, and imagine how someone with more confidence may feel in that same moment. You can distance yourself from your feelings and reframe them from someone else’s perspective.

Imposter syndrome directly impacts your performance in the workplace. Instead of faking it until you make it, try admitting that you don’t have all the answers. You can say “no” and “I don’t know” occasionally. No one expects you to know everything.

I find that this is an especially important lesson for high achievers, leaders, and other professionals. Letting others know that you don’t know everything makes you more relatable. It can also go a long way toward boosting the confidence of subordinates.

According to Dr. Young, it’s also important to recognise that you can’t eliminate all feelings of inadequacy. Neuro-linguistic programming techniques provide a way to reframe your thinking. With practice, you can learn to normalise your feelings and stop holding yourself to unrealistic standards.

For those who want to act now, I recommend practicing saying “I don’t know.” Feel free to admit when you don’t have a solution. If you want additional tips on how to beat imposter syndrome, I’m ready to help. Take a moment to learn more about my one-to-one coaching and online courses at https://thinklearnsucceed.com.au.


Something big is coming in 2023

Phew. It’s been a tough few years. At times I was tempted to retire, but thanks to my brilliant team, I’m entering 2023 with a new sense of passion and purpose. I hope you’re treading a similar path. My prediction is that 2023 will see a rise in retreats, one to one coaching and face-to-face training as we all process our experiences from the last 15-24 months. And I’m thrilled to announce that I have some exciting new sessions launching in 2023. These will help you step up your game and reach greater heights of success. Here’s what ‘s in store.

Bali retreats are back!

Finally we’re back on track with my  Bali retreats for leaders, trainers and HR practitioners. These are opportunities to dive deep into Positive Psychology and learn how to use it to create dynamic teams. Yes! The Bali retreats are designed to provide inspiring guidance, revitalising activities and new wisdom. You’ll create lasting connections with like-minded professionals and be equipped with powerful tools that you can immediately use at work.

Mojo reboot is launching soon

The Mojo Reboot online coaching lab is launching again. It’s an incredible 21 day journey created specifically for busy professionals who want to reboot their ambition, optimism and career focus. Watch out for the early bird deals. They’ll be coming soon.


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New coaching lab: Rise of the High Impact Leader

Finally, if you feel unheard or invisible at work then my NEW Rise of the High Impact Leader program is designed just for you! I’ve  been hard on this course, which will equip you with the skills needed to make a real difference at work and rise through the ranks of leadership.

Complete confidence goes self-paced

Sometimes it’s hard to make all the dates in an online program. So I’ve got you covered. This year, Complete Confidence with NLP will be launching in self-paced format. All the lessons will be available in recorded format. PLUS you’ll have access to drop in coaching labs. Thanks to everyone who suggested this. It’s an exciting evolution of the Complete Confidence program!

I  hope you’re as excited about 2023 as I am! I’m looking forward to helping you reach new heights of success this year. Wishing you a joyous start to a new year filled with successful endeavours!

This article was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer and success coach. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference.  Since discovering her passion for training and development, Eleanor has trained more than 60,000 people. She delivers face-to-face workshops for corporates, online masterclasses for leaders and Positive Psychology retreats for trainers, HR practitioners and leaders. 


As the end of 2022 approaches, I am filled with gratitude for your support and participation in my programs. My passion is working with people who want to make a difference and you are one of those people. Thank you!

This year the amazing team at Think Learn Succeed achieved many fantastic milestones. We took Complete Confidence with NLP to a much wider audience by making it self-paced. Plus, we launched our new program Rise of the High Impact Leader, in both online and face-to-face mode.

And personally, I finally achieved my dream of becoming a ‘digital nomad’. It has been so exciting to live part-time in Bali, whilst still working with my wonderful and inspiring clients! This was my goal back in 2019, so it was wonderful to finally achieve it.

I hope you, too, have seen some successes and positive times. I can’t wait to continue working with you in 2023!

Warmest wishes for a safe and happy holiday season.

This article was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer and success coach. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference.  Since discovering her passion for training and development, Eleanor has trained more than 60,000 people. She delivers face-to-face workshops for corporates, online masterclasses for leaders and Positive Psychology retreats for trainers, HR practitioners and leaders.