5 Signs You Need a Confidence Makeover

A confident woman is like the sun in a clear blue sky. She radiates energy, light and life. Sometimes, though, clouds can obscure your radiance. If you feel like your confidence is hiding behind dark clouds. It’s time to do a confidence makeover.


In my work as a success coach, I encounter five signs which tell me that a woman needs to do this. Are you showing these signs and if so, what can you do to revamp your confidence? Here are the tips I give my coaching clients.


You’re a nervous public speaker

Low confidence and stage fright go hand-in-hand, but if you want to make it in the professional world you need to conquer your fear of public speaking. Suggestions I give my clients on how to do this include making an effort to speak during meetings and attending a two or three day public speaking training program. Make sure that you find one that includes lots of opportunities to speak and get feedback. Read more

Give Yourself a Confidence Makeover


Are you wondering how to feel more confident? Then you need to watch this video now. Get tips for boosting your self-esteem and raising your confidence levels using positive psychology. Hear how to find the courage to speak up during meetings or when presenting. Beat the habit of saying ‘yes’ to everything. Overcome perfectionist thinking so you can talk and behave more confidently.



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Snake oil can improve confidence

Sadly, this claim is not true. It does, however, sound very like the claims being made by unqualified, ‘expert coaches’ who are touting their services online these.

Recently, I’ve been noticing more and more people claiming to be experts at personal development. Many of them brag about having no qualifications or experience in their areas of expertise. For example:

  • The marketing expert who has no track record or qualifications
  • The self-esteem coach whose website is full of depressing, negative statements about the human condition
  • The birthing coach who claims to be qualified because she’s had a baby herself

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Finding Win Win Solutions


Exploring the idea of win-win negotiation? This video will give you a new perspective on what it involves. Using a simple story format, I will show you how collaborative problem-solving skills can be used to resolve issues in everyday life. This is a fun overview of the win-win approach



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Steps to salary negotiations success


Get ready for your next salary review or job interview. In this video, I talk you through the process of researching what you’re worth. Then I explain how to open the salary negotiation, rather than simply saying ‘yes’ to the first offer an employer makes. Find out how to negotiate a great salary package – not just your paycheque – and learn how to sound confident during salary discussions.


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Steps to Salary Negotiation Success

When you accepted your current position, did you negotiate your salary? If you’re a woman, chances are your answer to this question is ‘no’.

In my coaching practice, I’ve helped countless women overcome nerves about negotiating their salaries. Here are my top five tips for negotiating a fair, reasonable and equitable salary the next you’re accepting that job offer.


Benchmark salary and conditions in your industry

It’s obvious you won’t be able to negotiate well if you don’t know what is reasonable in your industry. To ensure that you’ve done your homework and know what’s going to be a fair deal for you check the website of your professional association, speak to recruiters or talk to colleagues who work in other organisations. Ask them about the typical salary range for jobs that are similar to yours.

Make sure you know what you’re worth before going into that interview. Read more

When sympathy goes too far: A cautionary tale for female negotiators

Women often tell me stories of negotiations in which they gave away too much. Following these interactions, the storytellers report feeling manipulated or taken advantage of. I’ve noticed a common theme running through these stories—and it’s a theme I’m all too familiar with myself. Having too much sympathy for your counterpart can reduce your ability to hold appropriate boundaries in negotiation.

Here’s an example from my own experience. A few years ago, I was outsourcing a writing task through a freelancing portal. The woman I selected presented as a native English speaker, with extensive experience in creating resources around the topic area. She seemed ideal. But when she supplied the first draft, I was seriously concerned. This is the point at which I should have terminated the contract. Instead, though, I did what many women do in tough situations. I tried to be nice. Read more

Top 10 quotes on win-win negotiation

Wondering how to take a win-win approach to negotiation? You’ll find useful insights in this short video featuring ten quotes about negotiating from the win-win perspective. They neatly capture what win-win negotiation is all about, as well as giving you some clues about how to do it well. Once you’ve finished watching the video, take your learning to a deeper level by listening to my free podcast on handling objections during negotiations.


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Handling Objections Without Sounding Pushy

Do you want to stop negative people stalling conversations during meetings? Are you sick of making proposals, only to have them dismissed by whiners? Are you fed up trying to close a sale, only to find objections are putting a barrier in the road to success? If these situations are frustrating you, you need to learn how to handle objections like a master negotiator.

In my course, Negotiation Skills for Women, we cover a range of techniques women can use to overcome objections in both formal and informal negotiation settings. Here’s a quick rundown on the advice I give to participants in these classes.


Ask exploratory questions

Highly skilled negotiators don’t stop when they hear objections. Instead, they adopt a mindset of exploration. They ask questions to uncover what’s going on for the person who has raised the issue. They do this because they know that handling an objection is always easier when you understand what’s prompting it. Useful questions to ask include “What makes you say that?” or “What are you concerned about here?” Get lots more tips on this in my free podcast, Handling Objections Without Sounding Pushy. Read more

Smart Ways to Handle Objections


Want to know how to handle objections when you’re negotiating at work? This video is a practical introduction to this sticky topic. Discover how to prevent objections bogging down your discussion. See how to dig beneath an objection to uncover your negotiation counterpart’s key needs and concerns and use discovery questions to move beyond impasse states.

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