Is innovation stress burning out your team?

In our fast-paced and constantly-evolving world, it’s no wonder that innovation stress is one of the most commonly reported workplace issues. In this article, it outlines five ways to deal with innovation stress in the workplace.

The first method is to take a break. When you feel yourself becoming overwhelmed or stressed out, take a few minutes to step away from the situation and clear your head. This can help you to approach the problem with fresh eyes later on. The second suggestion is to set realistic goals. Don’t try to accomplish too much at once; instead, break down your goals into smaller, more manageable tasks. This will help to reduce stress and allow you to focus on one task at a time.

The third tip is to create a support network. When you have people who understand what you’re going through and can offer helpful advice and encouragement, it can make the journey a lot easier. Fourth, stay organised. This includes both your physical and mental space; try to keep your work area tidy and make a list of things that need to be done so that you don’t feel overwhelmed.


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Finally, take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eat healthy foods, and take some time for yourself every day to relax and recharge. When employees feel like they’re being given the tools they need to succeed, they’re less likely to feel overwhelmed or stressed out.

By setting clear goals and expectations, you can help employees to stay focused and motivated. By encouraging creativity and risk-taking, you can help them to think outside the box and come up with new ideas. By promoting work-life balance, you can help them to maintain a healthy balance between their personal and professional lives. By building a positive team culture, you can help employees to feel supported and appreciated. And by managing stress levels effectively, you can help them to stay calm and productive under pressure.

Find out more in the original article here:

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference. 



Savvy leaders don’t ask why

This video comes with a free ebook, The Positive Psychology Toolkit. Get your copy here. In this inspiring video, leadership trainer Eleanor Shakiba explains how the people of Albury used an Impact Thinking Process to prevent a plane crash. She covers the five steps they applied to design a solution under pressure. Then she explains how using these steps helps managers and business owners become leaders who make a difference. These steps are easy to follow and can be used in any situation where an out-of-the-box solution is needed. Watch this video to learn how to think like a high impact leader!


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Command attention with persuasive words

Have you ever struggled to convince someone to do something that you think is the right decision? If so, then understanding persuasive writing techniques becomes incredibly important. This article in Conversions Sciences discusses the science of persuasion and outlines nine key tactics that can be used when trying to get someone to agree with your opinion.

The article explains how any manager, business owner or supervisor should always strive for credibility and trust when crafting persuasive messages. It also stresses the importance of understanding who your audience is in order to craft an argument tailored specifically for them. As well as this, it suggests using storytelling as a method of delivering your message as it allows people to relate more effectively and understand why doing something is beneficial for them.

The power of consistency and commitment when convincing someone. It is important to show evidence-based proof of your claims, while also making sure your requests are more likely to be fulfilled if they are able to be done quickly and easily. Additionally, she advises using scarcity tactics, anchoring effects and personalisation whenever possible. All these points help build momentum which increases the chance of persuasion success.

The article concludes by reminding managers that persuasion isn’t about manipulation or tricking people into doing things; instead, it’s about finding creative ways to communicate ideas in a way that resonates with their goals and needs. In order for any message or request be effective it needs to demonstrate value and make clear why following through on something is worthwhile in the long run. Being aware of these techniques can help leaders get better results from their teams or even customers.


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Persuasion isn’t just an art; it’s backed up by science too!  By understanding persuasive writing techniques, managers and business owners can craft arguments that are more likely to be accepted by their intended audience. Understanding your goals and the needs of your audience is the first step in creating a successful persuasive message that drives desired outcomes.

Using these strategies will help you effectively create a persuasive argument and get people to agree with your opinion. Remember to focus on credibility, trust and understanding your audience when creating persuasive messages. Additionally, use storytelling and evidence-based proof whenever possible to increase the chance of persuasion success. Lastly, demonstrate value and make clear why following through on something is worthwhile in the long run.

Find out more in the original article here:

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference. 



Beat stress with NLP

Leadership positions come with stress, but you can learn to manage it. Allow a relaxing audio session from Eleanor Shakiba to calm your mind. Have a Stress-Free Day is an audio program with NLP trance techniques.

The techniques help. You’ll become better at stopping your negative inner critic. You can learn to stop worrying about things you can’t control. Alter your negative thinking patterns. Instead of letting stress overwhelm your thinking, you can maintain a clear mind. Get ready to live your life with less stress. Order your copy of Have a Stress-Free Day today.


Resilience is about bouncing FORWARDS, not back

It’s often said that resilience is about bouncing back from adversity and hardship. But that isn’t the full picture. Smart leaders know this. So do resilient problem-solvers. They recognise that resilience isn’t about bouncing back to the good old times. It’s about bouncing into the future with optimism, hope and a solution-focused mind. For example, did you know that the most resilient leaders don’t ask ‘Why did adversity happen’?’ Instead, they ask ‘How would I like the future to turn out?’

How do you get your mind to think like this?

Psychologists recommend using a process called Positive Future Casting. Despite the fancy name, this is a very easy-to-learn technique. It simply involves imagining the future turning out well. The trick is to get really specific about the details you include in this ‘mental rehearsal’. Make them as vivid as possible. This fools your brain into thinking your imagined future is happening now – which immediately reduces stress.

Three reasons smart leaders future cast

Positive Future Casting has impressive long-term benefits. It prompts your brain to grow new neurological pathways. Those pathways help you think, learn and take action in new ways. Of course, future casting also  fires up your resilience and optimism, which makes you a better leader. In fact, Positive Future Casting is the fastest way I know to switch off stress, power up motivation and boost your mental stamina.


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Get started now

Positive Future Casting is very easy to do. If you can daydream, you can future cast. Here are some ways you can get started.

  • Reading Martin Seligman’s book Learned Optimism
  • Working with coach or mentor
  • Enrolling in an NLP course that teaches Future Pacing techniques
  • Googling solution focused thinking techniques, so you can try them out for yourself

The next time you – or your team – encounter tough times, remember this simple fact. Resilience is involves bouncing forwards, not backwards. True resilience helps you create something better than before – including a better version of yourself!

This article was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer and success coach. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference.  Since discovering her passion for training and development, Eleanor has trained more than 60,000 people. She delivers face-to-face workshops for corporates, online masterclasses for leaders and Positive Psychology retreats for trainers, HR practitioners and leaders. 

Think you have everything under control? Your mind might be playing tricks on you

So, you think that you’ve got it all figured out? Think again. It’s likely you’re dealing with a cognitive distortion. The truth is that no one has everything under control or knows all the answers. Most people have a mental bias. It leads you to overestimate or underestimate how much you can influence your environment.

You may believe that you can control everything or fear that you control nothing. This mental bias is called the ‘fallacy of control’. It’s a cognitive distortion, which means an incorrect way of processing information. A recent article on offers more insight. According to the article, when you misinterpret reality, you make inaccurate judgments.

For example, if you think that you control everything, you may fail to recognise your limitations. People with this mental bias tend to be perfectionists. When something becomes out of your control, you may experience feelings of fear or rejection. The causes of this fallacy of control vary. Some of the potential factors include fear of delegating tasks and having an anxious personality. You may also be too much of a perfectionist or have deep-rooted beliefs that things depend on your actions.

The fallacy of control works both ways. Instead of feeling in control of everything, some people feel that they have no control. You may feel that you don’t have the power to change anything in your life. If this sounds like you, you may also suffer from low self-esteem and confidence.

The lack of control can increase your anxieties. This often occurs due to low self-esteem or feelings of learned helplessness. You may also feel that you lack control due to personal insecurities. According to the authors of the article, comparing your ideas with a reliable source of information can help combat mental bias.

The fallacy of control affects everyone differently. Whether you feel in control of everything or nothing, your mental bias may limit your success and professional opportunities. If you’re always in control, a moment that you can’t control may disrupt your routine. This leaves you feeling as if you are an imposter. If you’re never in control, you may already feel like an imposter.

Imposter syndrome is something that most professionals deal with at some point. When you realise that you don’t have everything under control, you may start to doubt your abilities. This makes it difficult to overcome challenges and explore new opportunities. Your confidence is also likely to suffer.

So, how can you control the fallacy of control? Start questioning your way of thinking. Don’t make assumptions. Evaluating your thoughts with a critical eye can help limit your mental bias and beat imposter syndrome. If you want to learn more about reframing your thought process, take a moment to explore my one-to-one coaching and online courses at



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Are your high standards a sign of imposter syndrome?

Imposter syndrome means always striving for perfection, but never feeling satisfied you’re doing a good enough job. It’s a sneaking sense of self-doubt. Second-guessing every decision. Wanting to be confident, but not knowing where to start. Yes. Imposter syndrome is a habit. Constantly worrying that you’re not good enough. Feeling like it’s only a matter of time until people realise you you’re a fraud. Eleanor Shakiba is an NLP coach and trainer who understands imposter syndrome. She’s been helping high achievers beat it for over 20- years. In this video Eleanor explains why high standards are often connected to low confidence. Then she shares tips for reversing the self-doubt that drives imposter syndrome. It all comes down to  making small changes to your thinking and behaviour. Learn to stop over-thinking, overworking and overachieving  – and tap into the power of authentic, deep level confidence.



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High impact leaders don’t blend in

This video comes with a free ebook, Beat Imposter Syndrome. Get your copy here.  Chameleon Syndrome is a thinking pattern that makes you want to blend in – and prevents you powering up your career. Find out what Chameleon Syndrome is. Be inspired by the story of Alice Stewart, whose refusal to blend in ended a dangerous medical trend that was putting the lives of unborn children at risk. Her story is one of endurance and persistence – and a great example for anyone suffering Chameleon Syndrome.


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Boost your optimism today

Are you an optimist or a pessimist? Can optimism be learned? According to this article, the answer is yes. Here are seven tips to increase your optimism and why it’s important.

In short, optimism makes you happier and healthier. It helps you bounce back from setbacks, makes you more resilient, and increases your productivity. It also makes you more attractive to others – both personally and professionally.

So how can you become more optimistic?

1) Be mindful of your thoughts – pay attention to the language you use when thinking about yourself and others. For example, instead of thinking “I’m so stupid,” reframe that thought to “I made a mistake.”

2) Practice gratitude – be thankful for what you have, both big and small. This includes being grateful for the good moments as well as the bad moments, because they all make us who we are.

3) Take care of yourself – eat healthy foods, get enough sleep, exercise regularly, and take time for yourself. All of these things help boost your mood and increase your resilience.

4) Challenge yourself – set goals for yourself and push yourself to achieve them. This will help you feel more in control of your life and increase your sense of accomplishment.

5) Connect with others – social support is crucial for happiness and wellbeing. Reach out to your friends and family members, join a supportive online community, or seek out a therapist or life coach if you need extra support.


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6) Look on the bright side – when something bad happens, try to find a silver lining. This may not be easy at first, but with practice it becomes easier. And eventually, looking on the bright side will become second nature to you.

7) Stay positive – above all else, remember to stay positive! Positivity breeds positivity, so keep your mind focused on the good things in life.”

So why should managers, business owners and supervisors care about being optimists? Optimists are more successful than pessimists because they:

  • Tend to have better mental and physical health
  • Have better relationships
  • Are more creative
  • Are more productive
  • Make better decisions
  • Are less stressed
  • Are less likely to give up in the face of failure

If you’re a manager, business owner or supervisor, it’s important to be an optimist because it will make you a more successful leader. Positivity breeds success so if you want your team to be successful, you need to be positive yourself.

Find out more in the original article here:

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference. 



Set limits with difficult people

Tired of letting others control your behaviour? You need to read Difficult People Made Easy by Eleanor Shakiba. It’s your ultimate guide for solving your biggest people problems. Receive practical advice for dealing with any workplace situation. Learn to deal with pushy, controlling, and toxic people. You’ll find out how to boost your confidence using tried-and-tested NLP techniques.

The step-by-step instructions ensure that anyone can be confident in the workplace. Difficult People Made Easy is a comprehensive resource for high-achieving professionals. Order your copy today to embark on a new, confident chapter in your career.
