Mental stamina coaching for leaders

Leadership roles are often mentally draining. The challenges that you deal with may leave you fatigued. If you’re struggling to cope with stress, personalised coaching can help. Specialised mental stamina coaching teaches you how to change your negative thinking patterns.

Learn how to deal with situations that tend to leave you mentally exhausted or overstressed. You gain strategies for staying focused, motivated, and confident. Find out how coaching can prepare you for success. Book a free discovery call with Eleanor Shakiba today.


The ONE thing stopping you making a difference

Have you ever been scared to speak out in a meeting or to express a different opinion to everyone else? Do you shudder at the thought of being called a show off? Or do you overthink everything you say to your boss? If so, then you may be suffering from Chameleon Syndrome. This is a pattern of thinking that encourages you to blend in, but not in a good way. It stops you making a difference and becoming a high-impact leader.

Why do so many talented people develop Chameleon Syndrome?

Chameleon Syndrome  is a toxic need to blend in. It stems from a deep, unconscious fear of rejection – which often started during a talented child’s earliest years.  Why? Because talented youngsters are often taught to blend in. Think about it. As a child, were you told not to draw attention to yourself? Were you teased for being different or for speaking up? Did teachers or parents tell you to stop showing off? If so, you were being taught to blend into the background and stay out of the limelight.

The result? Chameleon Syndrome. It’s a defence mechanism – a natural reaction to being shamed or humiliated by people who should be protecting you. Unfortunately, when you step into a leadership role it is also a big problem. Chameleon Syndrome prevents you from standing out and creating the impact you know is possible. It prompts you to play it safe – hiding your true self in situations where your talents need to stand out.

The good news is that Chameleon Syndrome can be overcome. Here are some simple ways to start.

Remember that you are in the room for a reason

You are expected to make an impact and offer something unique. So don’t stay silent. If you’re nervous about speaking out, take an assertiveness course or book some success coaching sessions. This fear can be conquered!


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Drive your own brain

As you know, I’m a big advocate of NLP. This is because it is a powerful tool for personal change. Learning NLP

will help you to control your thoughts and regulate your fear. It is also a great tool for building confidence and self-assurance. If you want to be leader who makes a difference, NLP will help you unleash the power of you.

Trust your intuition and talent

Finally, always listen to your inner voice. It will speak up when you least expect it. When it does, act on what it tells you to do. After all, leaders who make a difference are the leaders who take action. So don’t let Chameleon Syndrome stop you making a difference. You have the talent and the drive to make a real impact – so go out there and use it!

This article was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer and success coach. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference.  Since discovering her passion for training and development, Eleanor has trained more than 60,000 people. She delivers face-to-face workshops for corporates, online masterclasses for leaders and Positive Psychology retreats for trainers, HR practitioners and leaders. 




Beware: the 6 credibility killers that hold leaders back

How do you build and maintain credibility as a leader? In order to be a credible leader, you need to be authentic, passionate, knowledgeable, consistent, humble and strategic. Let’s take a closer look at each of these tips.

  1. Be authentic: People can see through inauthenticity, so it’s important to be genuine in your interactions with others. Wear your heart on your sleeve and let your true personality show. This will make you more likable and trustworthy.
  2. Be passionate: When you’re truly passionate about something, it shows. Share your enthusiasm for your work with others and let them see the dedication that you have to your goals. This will inspire them to want to work with you and help you achieve your objectives.
  3. Be knowledgeable: It’s important to know what you’re talking about if you want people to take you seriously. Be sure to do your research and have a firm understanding of the topics that you’re discussing. If you don’t know something, say so and admit when you don’t have all the answers.
  4. Be consistent: People need stability in their lives and they appreciate consistency in their leaders. Be reliable and predictable in your actions so that people can count on you to follow through on what you say.
  5. Be humble: No one likes a bossy boots, so remember to keep your ego in check. Modesty is key when it comes to being a credible leader. Let your accomplishments speak for themselves and avoid taking all the credit for yourself.
  6. Be strategic: Plans are only successful if they are executed well, so it’s important to be thoughtful and deliberate when making decisions. Take the time to consider all of the possible outcomes before making a move and make sure that your actions are aligned with your goals


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So how can you make sure that you are seen as credible? One key is to be honest and authentic in your actions and communications. Don’t try to be someone you’re not; people will see through that quickly. Stay true to your values and beliefs, and let your actions reflect them. It’s also important to be consistent in your behaviour; if you say one thing but do another, people will lose faith in you.

You can also build credibility by being helpful. Offer your knowledge and expertise freely, and be willing to help others achieve their goals. And finally, don’t be arrogant or self-important. Remember that you’re not the only one who can lead; there is always room for improvement. humility is a key trait of successful leaders.

Find out more in the original article here:

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference. 



No. Being in control DOESN’T fix imposter syndrome

Feeling like you’re a fraud and not good enough is a common problem, but it’s one that can overcome. When a talented professional feels like an imposter, it’s easy to get stuck in a vicious cycle of perfectionism and over-working. That cycle is fed by flawed thinking. For example, believing that if your work is always 120% perfect, then you’ll be deserve a promotion. But thinking this way doesn’t solve confidence problems – it just creates an imposter mindset. In this video, Eleanor Shakiba explains how to break the cycle and start generating real confidence. Learn how to use Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) to build confidence quickly and solidly, so you can thrive in life and work.


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3 ways to conquer fear of failure

This video comes with a free ebook, Beat Imposter Syndrome. Get your copy here. Most people fear failure, but what if failure was actually a good thing? In this video, leadership trainer, Eleanor Shakiba, explains three steps for shifting the way you think about failure – so you can stop being afraid of it. Plus, Eleanor shares tips for applying the first step today. If you want to become a more confident leader, watch this video now.


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Bad boss habits: stop them now

Do you know what it takes to be a successful leader? According to Trish Benedik, it takes more than just good intentions and hard work. In her article, “3 Habits That Will Break You Out of Becoming a Leader”, outlines three habits that can get in the way of becoming a successful leader.

1) Don’t be afraid to ask for help: Leaders often feel like they need to have all the answers and be able to do everything themselves. Asking for help when you don’t know the answer or need assistance shows that you’re humble and willing to learn.

2) Don’t micromanage: Micromanaging your employees can actually lead to decreased productivity and job dissatisfaction. Trust your employees to do their jobs and let them make mistakes.

3) Don’t avoid change: Leaders who are resistant to change are often left behind as the industry evolves. Be open to new ideas and change in order to stay ahead of the competition.

These three habits can hold you back from becoming a leader for several reasons. First of all, obsessing over results can cause you to focus on the wrong things. You may lose sight of your goals and become obsessed with the details instead. Micromanaging can make it difficult for others to contribute and can lead to resentment. Finally, being a perfectionist can cause you to delay decisions and hinder progress.


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Perfectionism can be overcome by accepting that mistakes are a part of life and learning from them. People-pleasing can be stopped by setting boundaries and learning to say no. Fear can be conquered by facing it head-on and taking action in spite of it.

Each of these habits can be difficult to break, but the benefits of doing so are worth the effort. Leaders are more effective when they are not held back by these habits. They are able to take risks and make decisions based on what is best for the organisation, not what will please others.

Find out more in the original article here:

This article summary was created by Eleanor Shakiba

Eleanor is a leadership trainer, success coach and people skills expert. She helps managers and business owners build thriving teams and organisations, using tools from Positive Psychology. She's trained more than 60,000 people during her career as a corporate trainer and professional development consultant. Her mission is inspiring talented people to become leaders who make a difference. 



Conflict Coaching for Leaders: Solve Your Problems Without Stress

Conflict coaching for leaders

As a leader, you’re likely to encounter conflicts in the workplace. Conflict coaching can give you the skills needed to handle any situation. Eleanor Shakiba is a leading confidence coach and ready to work with you. Learn to work more effectively with others and resolve issues easily.

One-on-one conflict coaching is tailored to your specific needs. Receive individual guidance for dealing with your biggest anxieties or fears. You’ll be able to stay calm under pressure and manage conflicts with less stress. Set up a free discovery call to learn more or book your first coaching session today. Book a session

Beat stage fright with 1:1 coaching

If fear is keeping you from achieving your dreams, try one-on-one coaching. Everyone experiences fear, including high-achieving professionals. Fear is a natural emotion. Luckily, you can learn to keep fear from taking over. Personalised coaching with NLP techniques can change your thinking. You’ll learn how to stay calm and anchor yourself in positive thoughts.

Leadership roles often involve presentations and speaking in front of groups. Coaching can help you overcome your stage fright. Learn to become a more confident speaker. Schedule your coaching session with Eleanor Shakiba to get started.


3 signs of Chameleon Syndrome

This video comes with a free ebook, Beat Imposter Syndrome. Get your copy here. Chameleon Syndrome is a toxic desire to blend in. It stalls careers and stops talented people reaching their true potential.  Many managers and business owners suffer from Chameleon Syndrome. But it’s not their fault. It’s a problem caused by pressure to fit in and pressure to excel. Learn how to spot the signs of Chameleon Syndrome, so you can prevent it cramping your style. This video is by leadership trainer and author, Eleanor Shakiba.


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Your brain on self-compassion and self-esteem

Want to boost your self-esteem? Try a little self-compassion. Research shows that most people are self-critical. Luckily, scientists at Kingsway Hospital in the UK and the University of Texas at Austin have also found that compassion can help counter the negative inner critic inside your head.

Self-esteem influences every aspect of your life, including your career. A lack of self-esteem may keep you from excelling in your role. It’s common for people with low self-esteem to feel as if they are imposters. This often leads to a cycle of self-criticism and decreased motivation.

So, what’s the best way to increase your self-esteem? Based on research published on, self-compassion holds the answer. Scientists in the UK and the US published research suggesting that self-compassion helps you combat self-criticism. They also explain that self-esteem, criticism, and compassion are connected to three distinct emotional systems in the brain. These systems include the drive system, the threat protection system, and the mammalian caregiving system.

The drive system is linked to your self-esteem. It motivates you to accomplish things, such as career or relationship goals. It also relies heavily on dopamine. The threat-protection system relies on adrenalin. It’s also called the fight or flight system. It’s responsible for helping you decide whether to fight, flee, or submit when faced with a threat. Most of us are ruled by the first two systems. If you lack self-esteem, your drive system is low. When presented with a threat, you may choose to flee.

The mammalian caregiving system provides a healthier alternative to the first two systems. It relies on oxytocin and opiates. Scientists believe that the caregiving system evolved out of our need to care for the young. However, the caregiving system can also be used to support your own needs. Based on the information presented by the authors, self-compassion can help fight self-criticism and low self-esteem.

Practicing a little self-compassion can go a long way towards boosting your confidence. However, self-compassion is just one path toward building greater self-esteem and confidence. It’s also important to gain self-acceptance. Accepting that you possess negative and positive qualities allows you to see more clearly. Failing to accept yourself forces you to resist change.

Reframing your old beliefs is another method for gaining self-compassion. It’s also a common NLP technique. Try looking at yourself through someone else’s eyes. Using someone else’s perspective may help you uncover reasons to be more compassionate with yourself.

As pointed out in the article, a lack of self-esteem can leave you feeling as if you are an imposter. As a confidence coach with over 20 years of experience, I’ve worked with thousands of professionals with low self-esteem. If you want to beat imposter syndrome, explore my one-to-one coaching or online courses at


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