Open Negotiations with Power and Pizazz


Do you want to build your negotiation skills? This video will get you off to a great start. Hear success coach Eleanor Shakiba explain how to open a negotiation with power and assertiveness. Be ready to seize the moment when opportunities to negotiate arise. Set the frame for the conversation so that your negotiation counterpart takes you seriously.


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Do we really need gender specific negotiation courses?

Over the past five years, there has been an increasing interest in negotiation training programs designed specifically for women. As these courses become more widely available, questions are being raised as to whether they are really relevant in today’s world.


This article takes an evidence-based approach to exploring these questions. First, I outline the rationale for developing gender based courses on negotiation skills. Then, I describe how the curriculum for a female focussed negotiation skills course might differ from the curriculum in a traditional negotiation course. Read more

A Day of Miracles



Do you wish things in your life could change? This video will give you a new perspective on how to create the change you desire. It’s a quirky look at how to develop your internal locus of control, which is a key step when taking charge of your own destiny.

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Sizzling Headlines to Fire Up Your Blog Posts

When you started your blog, you were all fired up and sparking with ideas but now after a few months of hard slog, you’re finding it hard to maintain flames of inspiration. This is a common problem for would be bloggers, most of whom don’t understand that blogging is just another word for writing. Becoming a successful blogger means understanding the structure and format of successful articles.

The first step in writing a sizzling blog article is to decide on what type of article you’re writing. Then you can come up with an eye-catching headline. This is what’s going to make people open your post, so it’s important that you get it right. Here are five simple headlines that you can adapt to any professional environment.


Top 10 resources for …

This headline is a great start to a list-style article. Use it to capture the attention of readers who are looking for expert tips, solutions or advice. For example resources you can include in this type of article are articles and books or quotes from experts.

The benefit of writing a top 10 resources article is that it is relatively quick and easy to do once you’ve generated the idea. Find out more in this month’s free podcast Sizzling Headlines to Fire Up Your Blog Posts. Read more

Write attention grabbing blog posts




Want more subscribers to your blog? Then you need to know how to write great blog posts. Discover what it takes to write impressive content in this five-minute video for success-minded bloggers.


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Authenticity versus social norms: A double bind for women building personal brands?

Should you consider gender norms when building your personal brand? I believe the answer is “yes”.

There is strong evidence to suggest that women and men communicate in different ways. Not only does this impact on how we express ourselves, it also impacts on how others expect us to express ourselves and how they receive our messages when we violate social norms. Today, I’m going to explore three sociolinguistic patterns which have implications for the way that you, as a woman in business, present your professional brand. Read more

Top 10 quotes on building your personal brand


Need inspiration to build your profile and create a standout personal brand? You’ll find it in this video featuring my favourite quotes about personal branding. They come from a range of sources, with one theme in common. They’re all quotes from highly successful writers.

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Three Things Your Future Boss Needs to See in Your LinkedIn Profile

Making a great impression at your next interview starts well before the interview is even secured. From the moment your future employer is checking your LinkedIn profile, you’re making an impression. So, it’s important that you make your LinkedIn profile professional, up-to-date and a savvy representation of who you are at work. Here are three tips that you can use to make sure that your profile shines.

Write a compelling headline

The headline of your profile is the first thing potential employers or customers see. So it’s time to get your thinking cap on and come up with a masterful description of what makes you different to others in your field. To create an eye-catching, memorable headline, start by defining what you’re passionate about in your work or career. The simplest way to do this is to answer the question, ‘when do I feel most alive at work? Then look for any themes in these activities or situations. You’ll probably find that they tell a story about the quality or passion that you bring to your work.

Then write one sentence that describes an outstanding personal characteristic, followed by your job title and a couple of your key skills. Boil that sentence back to three to four words that capture the essence of what you’ve been trying to say. For more tips on how to do this, download my free podcast 3 Things Your Future Boss Needs to See.

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VIDEO: Write a Wow Factor LinkedIn Profile


Discover how to write a great LinkedIn Profile in just 60 minutes. Use your LinkedIn page to stand out as a star in your field by making the most of your headline and summary section. Build up an impressive online portfolio. Show potential employers and customers how your skills and experience will benefit them. Make the most of your photo and your skills section.

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Free quiz: How impressive is your LinkedIn profile?


Six months ago, I was setting up a LinkedIn group for participants in one of my Corporate Wise Women programs. These were all young, savvy, high achievers. So, I was perplexed to see that their LinkedIn pages were…well, dire. All the worst habits of profile writing were on display as I browsed: low quality photos, drab language and poor attention to reader needs. 


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