Want to be a fearless leader? Big mistake!

Let’s talk about the dangers of being a fearless leader.

For many people, being a leader seems like a daunting task. It can feel overwhelming to have so much responsibility on your shoulders. This is especially true if you are feeling overloaded and stressed out because of change, team drama or office politics. In these situations, it’s normal to wish for a change. You might want to be strong, confident and in control. In fact, many leaders say they want to fearless.

But that is a HUGE mistake. A leader without fear is aggressive, arrogant and unwise. They’re prone to making hasty decisions and putting people and business teams at risk. So it’s important NEVER to confuse confidence and fearlessness. Confidence is about feeling capable and in control. Fearlessness is about not feeling afraid of anything. Clearly, these are two very different things.

For managers and business owners, fear has many benefits when it is managed well. For example, fear can help you stay alert and focused during difficult situations. It can also motivate you to take action and make robust decisions under pressure. Plus, experiencing fear yourself helps you empathise with your people when they are anxious.

That doesn’t mean you have to let fear take over. Indeed, giving in to fear is also a bad move for any leader. What’s better is to use fear to your advantage, instead of letting it control you. The quickest way to do this is by powering up your confidence, credibility and impact. Why?  So you can feel, sound and behave like a high impact leader – even under extreme pressure. But as a busy manager or business owner you don’t have hours to spend in training, therapy or meditation classes. You need a fast working toolkit that is easy to master. That’s why I developed the High Impact Leader Formula. It’s a simple process that turns stressed out managers into leaders who make a difference.

If you’d like to learn more about the High Impact Leader formula, follow this page. I’ll post more articles about it soon.

Want to be a fearless leader? Big mistake!

Let’s talk about the dangers of being a fearless leader.

For many people, being a leader seems like a daunting task. It can feel overwhelming to have so much responsibility on your shoulders. This is especially true if you are feeling overloaded and stressed out because of change, team drama or office politics. In these situations, it’s normal to wish for a change. You might want to be strong, confident and in control. In fact, many leaders say they want to fearless.

But that is a HUGE mistake. A leader without fear is aggressive, arrogant and unwise. They’re prone to making hasty decisions and putting people and business teams at risk. So it’s important NEVER to confuse confidence and fearlessness. Confidence is about feeling capable and in control. Fearlessness is about not feeling afraid of anything. Clearly, these are two very different things.

For managers and business owners, fear has many benefits when it is managed well. For example, fear can help you stay alert and focused during difficult situations. It can also motivate you to take action and make robust decisions under pressure. Plus, experiencing fear yourself helps you empathise with your people when they are anxious.

That doesn’t mean you have to let fear take over. Indeed, giving in to fear is also a bad move for any leader. What’s better is to use fear to your advantage, instead of letting it control you. The quickest way to do this is by powering up your confidence, credibility and impact. Why?  So you can feel, sound and behave like a high impact leader – even under extreme pressure. But as a busy manager or business owner you don’t have hours to spend in training, therapy or meditation classes. You need a fast working toolkit that is easy to master. That’s why I developed the High Impact Leader Formula. It’s a simple process that turns stressed out managers into leaders who make a difference.

If you’d like to learn more about the High Impact Leader formula, follow this page. I’ll post more articles about it soon.

How to stop other people taking credit for your ideas

Have you noticed how many female leaders report having their ideas ignored when they present them, then applauded when a colleague makes the same suggestion two minutes later? This is such a consistent problem for my clients, I decided to build a solution. Now, most people would start a project like this by asking why the problem happens. But I didn’t. Instead, I used a success modelling approach from Neuro Linguistic Programming. I focused on women who DIDN’T have others stealing their ideas – and what they do differently to rest of us. And here’s what I discovered. All of these leaders did three simple things that stopped idea thieves in their tracks. And YOU can do these things, too.

First, prime your audience to listen. Do it by saying “I’ve given some thought to solving the problem of xyz”. This signals that you’re about to present valuable information.

Second, present a plan – both verbally and visually. Use a document or a whiteboard to illustrate your idea. And if you’re using a document, put your name on it. This is a way of signalling “this is my idea and I’m confident about it.”

Finally, deliver a strong call to action. Say ‘To move my proposal forward, I now need you to do a,b and c.’ This changes the power dynamic, so that others have to act on your idea rather than steal it. If you’re struggling with having your ideas stolen, I urge you to try out these three steps. They’ll help you build confidence, impact and credibility – and stop other people stealing your thunder.

Gifted women, imposter syndrome and the struggles of being ‘too successful’

Why do so many gifted women experience imposter syndrome in this day and age? After all, we’ve spent decades delivering assertiveness training and women in leadership programs. But still women are their own harshest critics. As one of my coaching clients recently observed, “It’s as though my success is based on beating myself up internally every day”.


Here are my thoughts on why this happens. Put simply, it’s a result of the double binds and strictures women face when they dare to excel at work. These include:


  • Pressure to excel, while, at the same time, not standing out or ‘bragging’ about their achievements
  • Condemnation for being ‘pushy’ when speaking directly and assertively
  • Internal struggles experienced when social programming around minimising power differences conflicts with the need to build authority and credibility as a leader
  • Expectations that women should be ‘nurturing and accommodating’ distorting perceptions of their behaviour when female leaders deliver assertive feedback or manage under-performance and disciplinary matters


Female professionals and leaders grapple with these pressures on a daily basis. So, it’s not surprising that many end up doubting their own credibility, competence and professional worth. In other words, experiencing chronic self-doubt.


This is the type of self-doubt that Manfred Kets de Vries labelled ‘neurotic imposture’. Kets de Vries argued that this is a pervasive form of imposter syndrome that is the “flip side of giftedness”.  It’s caused by the stress of being a high achiever while conforming to social norms that expect you to be humble.


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You can read more about neurotic imposture in my recent blog post on the topic. For now, though, let’s consider some practical steps you can take to reduce its impact in your professional life. Here are the top three strategies I share with clients in my Authentic Confidence programs.


  1. Speak up about your achievements, using relevancy frames from NLP. These help you spotlight your expertise and talents without triggering others’ ‘pushy cow’ reactions.

2.Get a kickass coach or mentor and schedule your meetings upfront. Don’t wait until something goes wrong before contacting them. Successful coaching prevents problems occurring in the first place!

  1. Work to your strengths and delegate to your weaknesses. Stop trying to be perfect at everything. Stick to being in your zone of brilliance and authentic confidence!

Feeling helpless or hopeless? That’s NOT low confidence.

Recently, I ran a free confidence bootcamp. It was full of people who said, “I’m normally a confident person. But recently, I’ve had too many disasters and challenges to deal with. It seems like nothing I do makes a difference. I’ve just stopped trying”.


That’s not low confidence. It’s learned helplessness, which psychologists define as a mental state experienced after “enduring repeated aversive stimuli beyond their control”. Of course, you’re more likely to experience learned helplessness when you have low levels of control, autonomy and choice. For example, research has shown that command-and-control business cultures trigger learned helplessness in employees.


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So, what can we learn from this? For a start, it’s important to know the difference between learned helplessness and low confidence. If your brain has gone into helpless, hapless and hopeless mode (my label for learned helplessness), do something about it.


A great way to start is by priming your mind for action with neurolinguistic programming (NLP). That’s because the fastest way to shift out of learned helplessness is by boosting your self-efficacy (otherwise known as personal power) and doing something to address your situation.

You CAN be confident even when you’re scared

So many high achievers believe that being uncertain, unsure or anxious about the future means they’re not confident. Today, I want to dispel that myth by exploring two interesting points about fear.

First, let me remind you that fear is a normal emotion. Confident people experience it just as much as everyone else. However, they process it differently to those of us with fixed, helpless or unconfident mindsets.

Second, I want to share some intriguing research on a key connection between fear and imposter syndrome. It turns out that a very specific sort of worry – fear of failure – drives imposter thinking. But only in some people: those of us with strong goal orientations. To me, this explains why so many leaders, high achievers and successful people battle with imposter syndrome. You can read more about this topic in my recent blog article, here.


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For now, here is my favourite tip on how to reduce your fear of failure: don’t set goals but design experiments. Know WHAT you want to achieve but be flexible about how to get there. If one tactic doesn’t work, do something else. That’s not failing; it’s learning.

Beating the dark triad of imposter syndrome

Imposter syndrome is particularly difficult to beat because it distorts your mental processing in such pervasive and paradoxical ways. It’s driven by a frustrating double bind where the very patterns of thinking and behaviour that so subtly erode your self-esteem also reap significant rewards.

I call these patterns the Dark Triad of imposter syndrome. What are they?


  1. Overthinking

Your mind is constantly busy, engineering solutions to problems and coming up with impressive new ideas. Sure, you’re not sleeping much these days, but everyone knows you’re the brains behind the team’s success. What makes this pattern so addictive is the buzz of finding that answer or having that ‘ah ha’ moment.


  1. Over-planning

You’re exhausted from working excessive hours but addicted to delivering amazing results. You resent carrying the burden of planning and coordinating everyone else’s work but breathe a sigh of relief when your efforts stave off disaster (or at least prevent missing the deadline). Your schedule is so packed with back-to-back meetings that bathroom breaks aren’t an option. But your busy schedule and reputation as the most productive team member feed your addiction to being busy.


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  1. Over working

This is the most obvious sign of imposter syndrome. It usually sets in early when a child learns that hard work at school leads to praise, attention, prizes and rewards. Sadly, this creates a dysfunctional feedback loop. The child equates hard work with social validation, and the vicious cycle of imposter syndrome begins.

Are these patterns familiar to you? If so, it may be time to address your imposter syndrome. The good news is the dark triad can be beaten: Thousands of high achievers have managed to develop authentic confidence. You can do it, too.

Getting up early to ‘put yourself first’? Bad idea!

So many female leaders tell me they get up early so they can fit in their ‘me time’ every day. These women speak as though waking at 4 a.m. is a self-care choice underpinned by assertiveness and confidence. But let’s think about that. How does regularly depriving yourself of sleep equate to self-care? Is working excessive hours every day a sign of assertiveness? Does a confident leader arrive at work frazzled and stressed by her gruelling morning routine?

To all these questions, let’s yell a resounding ‘no’. Let’s end imposter thinking and ‘nice girl’ behaviour. Let’s enter the zone of truly confident leadership. Here are three ways female leaders can do this (if you’re male, pass these tips on to the women in your business).

Stop faking work–life balance 

Successful leaders are congruent. They don’t pretend – to themselves or others – that they’re super organised. They don’t burn themselves out trying to juggle 12 hours of work, an hour of exercise, three hours of housework and five hours of time with their loved ones every day. Women who are self-assured in their leadership roles know that the idea of ‘faking it ’til you make it’ is outdated. In fact, professionals who believe this works are more likely to suffer from imposter syndrome, self-doubt and low confidence.

Dial down your standards

Leadership expert Kit de Vries calls imposter syndrome ‘the flip side of giftedness’. I wrote more about it in a recent blog article because it’s such a thought-provoking statement. If you’re a talented woman, remember that being gifted can put you in a harsh spotlight and trigger perfectionist habits.


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Here’s why: Gifted women are brilliant at many things. But that doesn’t mean you should do everything at a super-perfect level. Dial down your expectations for everyday performance to the level of Professional Output. Save your highest standards for the tasks that really matter.

Master the art of setting limits

Women with authentic confidence don’t say ‘yes’ to everything. They’re clear about their boundaries. They also know how to set boundaries without sounding like pushy cows. You don’t need a genetic predisposition for confidence. You just need to master the basics of assertive communication.  Read my book Difficult People Made Easy to learn how.


3 signs you’re a perfectionist

Okay, I admit it. I’m a perfectionist. So, let’s hope there are no typos in this article. That aside, let’s explore how YOU can tell if you’re a perfectionist. Here are the top three signs to look out for.


1. You’re super proud of going ‘above and beyond’.

You’re a high achiever. Your motto is ‘If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well’. You’re passionate about doing a fantastic job every time. These beliefs demonstrate a high work ethic and a professional mindset.

But what if they’re actually signs of a problem caused by socialisation and pressure to excel from an early age? For example, imposter syndrome (a chronic fear of being seen as incompetent). Sadly, this could well be the case.


2. You’re an all-or-nothing thinker

If your work isn’t 120% brilliant, you believe you’ve failed. You don’t just want to pass the exam, you’re not satisfied with anything less than 9/10 – even though your final results will classify you as ‘competent’ or ‘not yet competent’.

This is a classic example of what Carol Dweck calls a ‘fixed mindset’. Sadly, this type of mindset often makes people successful. But not happy. And not authentically happy.


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3. You never feel comfortable in your own shoes. (Plus, the shoes aren’t up to scratch, either.)

Let’s face it: Perfectionists are never satisfied with themselves. They harshly criticise every aspect of their physical, emotional and behavioural lives. They set ambitious goals for self-improvement and never rest.

Does this sound like you? If so, you might benefit from learning to accept yourself as you are. (What a great excuse to skip that gym visit).


In 2016, Srini Pillay published an interesting article on how to do exactly that. He explained that self-acceptance involves appreciating your body, protecting yourself from negative criticism and believing in your own capabilities. For more details on this model and my thoughts on how you can use it to boost your confidence, read my recent blog on self-acceptance and self-compassion.



I’m a control freak… but I don’t let it control me.

Time to come clean. I’m a control freak. And I’m not the only one! In times of uncertainty, many people react by trying to regain control. But that’s not a healthy way to lead yourself, your team or your business.

So, how can you tell that your ‘organised mindset’ is actually a sign that you’re in full-blown control freak mode? Here are three signs that are dead give-aways.


1. You’re stressing out about people knowing you’re stressing out

Yep, you’re not the only one who does this! It’s a surprisingly common way of thinking among people with imposter syndrome, a distorted, unhelpful form of ‘metacognition’.


2. You believe you are 100 percent responsible for your own success

You give yourself no leeway. If something goes wrong, you scold yourself. Then you start working on making it go right again. You say things like “failure isn’t an option” and “there’s no such thing as good enough”. You over-schedule, over-commit and over-work. And still, you want to achieve more.

No. It’s not ambition or a good work ethic. It’s a sign your confidence very likely needs a reboot.


3.Your self-compassion battery is totally flat

Self-compassion is a form of support and nurturing you give yourself when you make mistakes, face embarrassing situations or encounter adversity. It’s like a battery; when it’s low, you don’t have the energy to enjoy your life. But it can be recharged – and there are good reasons to keep it fully charged.

Paul Gilbert is a research scientist who studies the neuroscience of self-compassion. He claims that three brain systems work together to help you handle adversity and survive in chaotic times. Your ‘mammalian care-giving system’ is one of these systems. When it’s outward-facing, it enables you to feel, and show, compassion for those around you. But it can also be inward-facing. In this case, your care-giving system promotes a sense of self-security and stability. To find out more about the implications of Paul Gilbert’s work for beating imposter syndrome and building confidence in my recent blog article.