I’m a control freak… but I don’t let it control me.

Time to come clean. I’m a control freak. And I’m not the only one! In times of uncertainty, many people react by trying to regain control. But that’s not a healthy way to lead yourself, your team or your business.

So, how can you tell that your ‘organised mindset’ is actually a sign that you’re in full-blown control freak mode? Here are three signs that are dead give-aways.


1. You’re stressing out about people knowing you’re stressing out

Yep, you’re not the only one who does this! It’s a surprisingly common way of thinking among people with imposter syndrome, a distorted, unhelpful form of ‘metacognition’.


2. You believe you are 100 percent responsible for your own success

You give yourself no leeway. If something goes wrong, you scold yourself. Then you start working on making it go right again. You say things like “failure isn’t an option” and “there’s no such thing as good enough”. You over-schedule, over-commit and over-work. And still, you want to achieve more.

No. It’s not ambition or a good work ethic. It’s a sign your confidence very likely needs a reboot.


3.Your self-compassion battery is totally flat

Self-compassion is a form of support and nurturing you give yourself when you make mistakes, face embarrassing situations or encounter adversity. It’s like a battery; when it’s low, you don’t have the energy to enjoy your life. But it can be recharged – and there are good reasons to keep it fully charged.

Paul Gilbert is a research scientist who studies the neuroscience of self-compassion. He claims that three brain systems work together to help you handle adversity and survive in chaotic times. Your ‘mammalian care-giving system’ is one of these systems. When it’s outward-facing, it enables you to feel, and show, compassion for those around you. But it can also be inward-facing. In this case, your care-giving system promotes a sense of self-security and stability. To find out more about the implications of Paul Gilbert’s work for beating imposter syndrome and building confidence in my recent blog article.


Should you believe the self-esteem hype?

Self-esteem has become one of the most hyped topics in the self-help world. Coaches, leaders, marketers, they all tell you, “Work on your self-esteem and then you’ll feel more confident”.

But is higher self-esteem really what you, as a competent and successful professional, need? What if you have a motivation problem instead of a confidence problem? A state called ‘languishing’ could be contributing to your low mood.  So, how can you beat the languishing blues and feel confident again?

Often, it’s about breaking bad habits. Three small changes can make a huge difference to your energy and motivation.

1. Stop doing stuff you hate

If you hate it, it exhausts your energy. It’s something you should delegate, outsource or do away with. Even if you CAN do it, it does you no good to keep it on your to-do list. As I say, “thank goodness some people love doing book-keeping”. Because I sure don’t!


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2. Stop putting work before play

Do the something you love every day. Don’t get up early to fit it in, either. Make time for it by working reasonable hours, splitting home chores equally between everyone who’s old enough to do them and setting reasonable limits on what you do for other people.


3. Stop kicking yourself for not knowing

You don’t have to know the answers to everything. In fact, research has shown that there are many reasons to simply admit you don’t know (yet). Check out my blog for a recent article on the benefits of saying ‘I don’t know’ at work.

Smarter ways to boost confidence at work

A healthy level of self-esteem helps people take on challenging projects, leap outside their comfort zones and achieve goals. If you’ve read ‘How high is your self-esteem?‘, you know there are four behaviours that show an employee has (appropriately) high self-esteem.

  • Communicating your needs
  • Saying no assertively
  • Recognising and accepting your strengths
  • Putting negative experiences into perspective

So now let’s take our investigation of self-esteem a step further. How can you, as an HR practitioner or L&D practitioner, nurture your own self-esteem?

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Perform at your best: get into flow

Athletes call it being in the zone. Artists call it being inspired. Jazz musicians call it being in the groove. In positive psychology, it’s called a flow state. When you’re in flow, you are fully absorbed and focused. Your attention is on the task at hand and everything else fades out of awareness. And it’s highly likely you’re performing at your peak.

In his book Flow, psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi describes the flow state as an “optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best.” Anyone can access a flow state. There are eight factors that can help you do it.

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Teach optimism like any other skill

If you want your people to be more optimistic, you might need to teach them how. In a previous post Switch on your optimistic brain today, I explained four evidence-based techniques for promoting optimistic thinking. These were:

  • Keeping a gratitude journal
  • Taking on a curiosity mindset
  • Being mindful of the language you use
  • Leaving the past in the past

For HR and L&D professionals, these tips might seem easy to apply. However, many employees lack the basic foundation skills for being able to action these techniques, which are based on sophisticated research. So you can make a huge difference to the emotional lives of your employees by actively promoting the fact that optimism can be learned, just like any other cognitive skill. Here are some ways you can help people learn to be optimistic at work.

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How high is your self-esteem?

Do you treat yourself with compassion and nurturing care? Or are you too hard on yourself? Your answer links back to your self-esteem

Self-esteem is your confidence in your own worth, and the value you place on yourself. In the 1950s, Carl Rogers developed a model of self-esteem that is useful to this day. He said that self-esteem measures how much the person you want to be (your ideal self) aligns with who you believe you are (self-image).

So, how well does your ideal self-align with your self-image? Let’s find out. Here are four behaviours that indicate you have appropriate levels of self-esteem.

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Chocolate-free ways to promote positive emotions at work

Employees who come into work feeling negative find it hard to be creative, their interactions with colleagues are strained and productivity is low. But when they come into work with positivity, they see possibilities and opportunities everywhere. This is why Human Resources teams need to take feelings seriously.

In Four surprising benefits of positive emotions, I explained that positive emotions play a huge role in human survival. This is because:

  • Unpleasant emotions help people survive, but they also limit their thought-action repertoires
  • Positive emotions broaden the ability to think and act in new ways
  • Positive emotions help individuals build resources for dealing with tough times
  • Feeling good might contribute to longevity

In organisations, there are many additional benefits of drawing on high-energy, positive feelings. Learning and development and specialists can plan important roles in bringing these benefits to life in their organisations. Here are some tips on how to do this.

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Switch on your optimistic brain today

Do you see the glass as half-empty or half-full? Are you a pessimist or an optimist? It’s a classic debate. Optimism is a ‘feeling of hopefulness and confidence about the future or the success of something.’ It’s the belief that things will turn out okay, even when you have no evidence to back it up. Compared to pessimists, people who have optimistic mindsets handle change more resiliently, report higher levels of general well-being and solve problems more creatively.

Here’s the good news: optimistic thinking patterns can be learned at any stage of your life. You can literally train your brain to look on the bright side as a default.

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How to break the imposter cycle in your organisation

70% of high achievers live in persistent fear of people finding out that they “don’t have a clue” what they’re doing. Despite evidence to the contrary, such as hard-earned degrees or a proven track record, they still attribute their achievements to luck, fate or simply good timing.

If that sounds like some of your employees, they might be suffering from a condition called imposter syndrome. As an HR practitioner, you can substantially eliminate fear of failure in your organisation and open up your employees to real, lasting success. Here are some practical ways to do this.

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Four surprising benefits of positive emotions

With ‘positive thinking’ being constantly touted in pop psychology, do you find yourself feeling guilty about your negative emotions? Don’t be. Your perceived ‘negative’ or uncomfortable feelings are just as important as the positive ones in helping you evaluate your experiences and make sense out of life’s complexity.

Uncomfortable emotions are often associated with a tendency to act in self-preserving ways. When you’re afraid, your tendency is to escape; when you’re angry, your tendency is to attack. In dangerous situations, this can help you survive. But here’s an interesting question: what role do positive emotions play in human survival?

Barbara Frederickson, a key researcher in the field of positive psychology, developed the ‘broaden and build’ theory, which explains how experiencing positive emotions opens you up to new experiences.

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