Establishing team norms

Pete’s the project lead for a new cross-organisation team. He hasn’t worked with the team members before. Time is of the essence for this project and Pete needs to get the team performing.

Here’s how we’d help Pete deal with this problem. You can use the same strategies to develop or reinvigorate your teams.

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Issues focussed language

Good intentions are often scuppered by a poor choice of words.

Focussing on the issue rather than the person is a good start to resolving conflict. Here are some tips for doing this.

More ‘I’, less ‘You’

Sentences which start with ‘you’ often sound like an attack. Reframe sentences into ‘I’ statements to make them less personal and accusing. Say ‘I feel angry when meetings start late’. Avoid saying ‘you are always late’ or ‘I’m angry because you are late’ (a ‘you’ sentence thinly disguised).

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Rebuilding a team after unpopular change

Carla has just been promoted. Now she’s supervising a newly restructured customer service team. But it’s clear not everyone is happy with the changes that have been made. Carla’s new team is in conflict.

Carla needs to get her team back on track quickly. Here’s how we’d help Carla deal with this problem. You can use the same strategies to improve your team’s performance or rebuild your team after a period of significant change.

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Language that boosts team performance

What you say can make or break team dynamics.

Have you ever worked in a team full of complaining or negative people? If you have, you know the impact negative language can have on team relationships. Great teams speak positively. Here are some tips on how to follow this example.

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Detox your team dynamics

Does your team have a bad vibe? You can do something about it.

If your team has low morale or toxic dynamics, the root problem may be relationships and behaviours. Here are three steps you can take to detox team dynamics and get your team back on track.

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How to negotiate a pay rise

Dan’s recently taken on more responsibility at work. He thinks he deserves a pay rise but is nervous about asking his boss.

Here’s how we’d help Dan deal with this problem. You can use the same strategies to present an effective case for a pay rise to your own employer.

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Four tips for better negotiation

Every negotiation is different. A few simple tactics will improve your negotiating skills whatever the circumstances.

Do you find negotiation difficult? Believe it or not, you’re doing it every day. And you can learn the skills to make you better at it. Here are my key tips for getting great results from your negotiations.

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Dealing with irrational customers on the phone

Mina can feel her blood pressure rising. The customer on the end of the phone is getting angrier. Mina needs to make things right.

Here’s how we’d help Mina deal with this problem. You can use the same strategies when handling difficult phone calls from your own customers.

Verbalise nonverbals

The nonverbal ways Mina shows she’s listening when face-to face – body language, nodding, eye contact –aren’t much use on the phone. Mina must use her voice as a verbal equivalent of these visual signals. Saying things like ‘OK’, ‘I understand’, or ‘uh-huh’ regularly will tell her customer that she’s listening.

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